Code signing custom builds#

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Code signing is an essential process for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of your custom Mattermost builds. This guide provides steps on how to code sign a build using your own certificates for Windows, Mac, and Linux.


Make sure to follow each operating system’s guidelines and best practices for signing applications.


  1. Code Signing Certificate: Obtain a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA) or use a self-signed certificate if suitable.

  2. SignTool: Available as part of the Windows SDK.

  1. GPG Key: Create a GPG key if you don’t have one.

  2. GnuPG: Install GnuPG if not already installed.

  1. Developer ID Application Certificate: Obtain from Apple. It requires an Apple Developer account.

  2. Xcode: Ensure Xcode is installed.


  1. Install SignTool

    Install the Windows SDK to access the SignTool utility.

  2. Obtain a Code Signing Certificate

    Purchase or create a certificate (.pfx file) via a CA.

  3. Import the Certificate

    Open the .pfx file and import it into the Windows Certificate Store.

  4. Sign the Executable

    • Open the command prompt as Administrator.

    • Use SignTool to sign your executable:

    signtool sign /v /s "My" /sha1 <cert hash> /fd SHA256 /tr /td SHA256 <path-to-your-executable>
  1. Create or Import Your GPG Key

    If you don’t have a GPG key, create one:

    gpg --full-generate-key

    Import an existing GPG key, if you have one:

    gpg --import /path/to/your-key.asc
  2. Sign the Package

    Use dpkg-sig to sign a Debian package:

    dpkg-sig --sign builder your-package.deb

    Use rpmsign to sign an RPM package:

    rpmsign --addsign your-package.rpm
  3. Verify the Signature

    Verify the signature of a .deb package:

    dpkg-sig --verify your-package.deb

    Verify the signature of an .rpm package:

    rpm --checksig your-package.rpm
  1. Obtain a Code Signing Certificate

    Create a Developer ID Application certificate in your Apple Developer account and download it.

  2. Import the Certificate

    Double-click the certificate to import it into the Keychain.

  3. Sign the Application

    Use the codesign tool from Xcode to sign your application:

    codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --sign "Developer ID Application: Your Name (TeamID)" /path/to/
  4. [Optional] Verify the Signature

    Verify the signature to ensure everything is correctly signed:

    spctl --assess --verbose=4 /path/to/
    codesign -dv --verbose=4 /path/to/


  • Windows: Use SignTool from the Windows SDK with your imported code signing certificate.

  • Mac: Use codesign and spctl tools from Xcode with your Apple Developer ID certificate.

  • Linux: Use GnuPG to create/sign with your GPG key, dpkg-sig for .deb packages, and rpmsign for .rpm packages.