Manage your @mention and keyword notifications#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

You’re notified in a web browser, the desktop app, and on your mobile device, when you’re @mentioned by your username or first name, @mentioned as part of a user group, and for matches to keywords you’re following.

You’re also notified when someone uses channel-wide @mentions including @channel and @all, as well as @here.

For all other messages, channels appear bolded to indicate unread activity.

Customize notification keywords#

Using a web browser or the desktop app, you can customize keywords to trigger notifications. Keywords aren’t case-sensitive.

For example, you can receive notifications for all messages and threads related to a specific topic, project name, or customer.

A walkthrough of setting keywords that trigger mentions in Mattermost.


Separate multiple keywords using commas or by pressing Tab, and use Backspace to manage keywords.

Passively track keywords (no notification)#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans

From Mattermost v9.3, Mattermost Enterprise and Professional customers interested calling attention to specific topics of interest across channels can do so without sending notifications to a Mattermost client.

Using a web browser or the desktop app, you can passively track key terms by specifying single or multiple words to be highlighted in all channels you’re a member of. Keywords and phrases are automatically highlighted using a color based on your Mattermost theme.

A walkthrough of setting keywords that are highlighted in Mattermost.