Add people to your workspace#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Getting people set up with a Mattermost account is typically something that admins do when deploying and configuring the Mattermost workspace. However, team admins can also invite people, including guests, to a Mattermost team via a direct invite, a public team invite link.

All users can add existing Mattermost users to a Mattermost team or channel, unless the system admin has restricted the ability for you to do so.

  • Inviting people to a team sends an email prompting recipients to create a Mattermost account on your Mattermost workspace.

  • Adding an existing user to a team or to a channel makes those users team or channel members.


  • Add users to a channel by selecting the channel name and selecting Add Members.

  • Add groups of users to a channel or team by creating a custom group and @mentioning the custom group in a channel.

    • Mattermost prompts to you to add any users who aren’t already members of that channel to the channel.

    • From Mattermost v9.1, you’re given the option to add any users who aren’t already members of that team to the team, if you have the permissions to do so.

  • A guest user in Mattermost is a special role that is restricted to only the channels they have been invited to. When guest access is enabled by the system admin, you can invite guests or users external to the organization, such as vendors or customers.

    • Once guests are invited to the team, you can add them to the channel.

Send a direct invite#

Direct invites are invitation emails sent from your team’s server directly to the invited person’s email address. A link within the invitation directs them to an account creation page. Invitation links sent by email expire after 48 hours and can only be used once.


  • A system admin can invalidate all active invitation links via System Console > Authentication > Signup > Invalidate pending email invites.

  • If you can’t invite others to the team, contact your system admin for assistance. You may not have sufficent permissions to do so, or email invitations may not be enabled.

  1. Select the team name at the top of the channel sidebar, then select Invite People.

  2. Enter email address recipients for team invitations.

  3. Specify whether the invited users are members or guests. When adding a guest, you must specify the channels the guest can access.

  4. Select Invite.


  • If someone you want to add to your team already has an account on the server, you can add them to your team without sending an invitation by entering their username instead of an email address. If the person you want to add isn’t visible, you can’t invite them.

  • System admins can view and add team membership to individual users on the user profile page (via System Console > Users > User Profile) by selecting Add Team.

  1. Tap the The Plus icon provides access to channel and direct message functionality. icon in the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Tap the Invite people to the team option.

  3. Invite people by:

  • Entering the name of a user on another Mattermost team on the same server.

  • Entering a user’s email address.

  • Sharing the invitation link with users directly as a team invitation link.