User management configuration settings#
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Review and manage the following in the System Console by selecting the Product menu, selecting System Console, and then selecting User Management:
Also available in legacy Mattermost Enterprise Edition E10 or E20
Mattermost system admins can provision and manage user accounts, team membership, roles and permissions, and update user email addresses.
Provision users#
Getting people set up with a Mattermost account is typically something that system admins do when deploying and configuring the Mattermost deployment. A Mattermost admin can provision Mattermost users using one or more of the following methods:
Use mmctl user create or Mattermost APIs to create user accounts.
Migrate user accounts from other collaboration systems and bulk load that user data into Mattermost.
Connect an authentication service to assist with user provisioning, such as AD/LDAP authentication or SAML authentication.
Review user data#
From Mattermost v9.6, you can review the following user data in the System Console:
Email: The user’s email address.
Member since: The number of days since the user joined the Mattermost server.
Last login: The date of the user’s last successful login to the server.
Last activity: The total number of days since the user was last active on the server, which is typically based on the user’s availability.
Last post: The total number of days since the user’s last sent message on the server.
Days active: (PostgreSQL only) The total number of days in which the user has sent a message in Mattermost.
Messages posted: (PostgreSQL only) The total number of messages the user has sent on the server.
By default, you see all columns of data and data for all time.
Show or hide data all data columns exccept User details and Actions, as preferred.
Filter results to the last 30 days, the previous month, and the last 6 months for Last post, Days active, and Messages posted user data.
Find users#
Find a user using the System Console.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Search for specific users by entering a partial or full username, user ID, first name, last name, or email address in the Search field and pressing Enter.

Filter user searches#
Filter System Console user searches to narrow down results based on the team membership, role, and user status.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Select Filters located to the right of the Search users field to access available filter options.
Select Apply to filter user search results.

Identify a user’s ID#
Users can be specified in Mattermost by username or user ID. Usernames automatically resolve when a match is detected. Identify a user’s ID using the System Console, the Mattermost API, or mmctl.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Select a User to review their ID in the User Configuration page.

Alternatively, identify a user’s ID using the Mattermost API or mmctl:
Using the Mattermost API, make an HTTP GET request to the following endpoint:
. Replaceyour-mattermost-url
with the URL of your Mattermost instance andusername_here
with the username you are looking for. The API response contains a JSON object that includes the user’s ID among other details.Using mmctl, in a terminal window, use the following command to list all users and their IDs:
mmctl user list
to return a list of user IDs.
Export user data#
From Mattermost v9.6, Mattermost Enterprise and Professional customers can export user data as a CSV report.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Filter the user data as needed.
Select Export located in the top right corner of the System Console interface, and then select Export data. You’ll receive the report in CSV format as a direct message in Mattermost.
Activate or deactivate users#
To delete a user from your Mattermost deployment, you can deactivate the user’s account. Deactivated users have an deactivated status, are logged out of Mattermost as soon as they are deactivated, and deactivated users can no longer log back in. You can manage the user’s role, password, and email address while a user’s account is deactivated.
LDAP-managed users must be deactivated through LDAP, and can’t be deactivated using the System Console or the API.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Select a User that you wish to activate or deactivate.
If the selected user is currently active, you can find the Deactivate button in the User Configuration page.
Select Deactivate, and confirm the deactivation.

You can re-activate a deactivated user by selecting Activate.

What happens to deactivated user integrations?#
If you deactivate a Mattermost user who has integrations tied to their user account, consider the following consequences and recommendations based on the integration type:
Slash commands will continue to work after user deactivation. Consider deleting the existing slash command and creating a new slash command associated with a different user account to decouple sensitive token data from the deactivated user account. Alternatively, consider regenerating the token of the existing slash command. Check that the deactivated user doesn’t have access to the slash command Request URL which is the callback URL to receive the HTTP POST or GET event request when the slash command is run.
Outgoing webhooks will continue to work after user deactivation. Consider regenerating the webhook token and check that the deactivated user no longer has access to the callback URLs, as having access would result in the deactivating user receiving the outgoing webhooks.
Incoming webhooks will continue to work after user deactivation. Because the URL produced includes
, anyone who has the URL can post messages to the Mattermost instance. We recommend removing the incoming webhook and creating a new one associated with a different user account.Bot accounts won’t continue to work after user deactivation when the disable bot accounts when owner is deactivated is enabled. This configuration setting is enabled by default.
OAuth apps won’t continue to work after user deactivation, and associated tokens are deleted. Manual action is needed to keep these integrations running.
Manage user’s roles#
Apply roles to users using the System Console. The current available roles are System admin and Member.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Under Actions, select Manage roles.
Specify whether the user has the role of System admin or Member, and then select Save.

Manage user’s settings#
Available only on Enterprise plans
From Mattermost v9.11, system admins can help end users customize their Mattermost notifications by editing the user’s notification settings on the user’s behalf within the System Console. Users can view, modify, and override their own settings at any time.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Select the user you want to manage.
Select Manage User Settings.
In Admin Mode, modify the user’s settings as needed. Saved changes take effect immediately in the user’s account.
Manage user’s teams#
Add or remove users from teams using the System Console.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Select the user you want to manage.
You can include the user in one new team or a group of teams. Select Add Team, select one or more teams, and then select Add.

To remove the user from a specific team, select More
next to the team name, and select Remove from team.

You can also remove the user from a specific team from the Actions column on the Users page. Select Manage Teams, and then select Remove from Team for applicable teams.
Update user’s email#
Update the emails of users using the System Console.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Select the user, and enter a new email in the Email field.
Select Save.

You can also update the email from the Actions column on the Users page. Select Update email, enter the new email for the user, and then select Save.
Reset user’s password#
Reset a user’s password using the System Console.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Select the user from the list, and then select Reset Password.
Enter a new password and select Reset.

You can also reset the password using the Actions column for the specific user on the Users page. Select Reset password from the Actions column dropdown, enter the new password in the pop-up dialog box and select Reset.
Revoke a user’s session#
Revoke the user sessions in case of an emergency to secure the user account using the System Console. This logs the user out of all devices.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Under the Actions column for the specific user, select Remove sessions.
Select Revoke to remove all sessions for that user.

Review user profile details#
View user profile details using the System Console. Gather information including the user’s ID, username, email, authentication method, and team memberships.
Go to System Console > User Management > Users to access all user accounts.
Select the user from the list, and browse user details.

Also available in legacy Mattermost Enterprise Edition E20
Manage default teams and channels by linking AD/LDAP groups to Mattermost groups. |
See the AD/LDAP groups documentation for details. |
Also available in legacy Mattermost Enterprise Edition E20
Find Teams#
You can find existing teams in your Mattermost instance using the System Console.
Go to System Console > User Management > Teams to access all available teams.
Enter the team name in the Search box.

From Mattermost v9.6, you can search for specific teams by entering a partial or full team name in the Search field and pressing Enter.
Filter team searches#
Filter your team search to narrow down results based on the team management type (anyone can join, invite only, or group sync).
Go to System Console > User Management > Teams to access all available teams.
Select Filters located to the right of the Search field to access available filter options.
Choose any filter and select Apply to filter team search results.

Review team configuration#
View team configuration details using the System Console. Gather information including the team name, team description, team management options, groups, and members.
Go to System Console > User Management > Teams to access all available teams.
Select the team from the list to view its configuration page.

Manage team membership#
Admins can directly add or remove member from the team and customize how members are added to the team using the System Console.
Add members#
Go to System Console > User Management > Teams to access all available teams.
Select the team from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Members section, select Add Members.
Select an user or available bot from the list or try using the Search to find a specific one.
Select Add to add the user or bot.
Select Save.

Remove members#
Go to System Console > User Management > Teams to access all available teams.
Select the team from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Members section, select Remove for the user or bot that you want to remove.
Select Save.

Sync group members#
When enabled, adding and removing users from groups will add or remove them from this team. The only way of inviting members to this team is by adding the groups they belong to. See the Synchronize teams and channels documentation for further details.
Go to System Console > User Management > Teams to access all available teams.
Select the team from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Team Management section, enable the Sync Group Members option.
Select Save.

Anyone can join this team#
This team can be discovered allowing anyone with an account to join this team.
Go to System Console > User Management > Teams to access all available teams.
Select the team from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Team Management section, enable the Anyone can join this team option.
Select Save.

Only specific email domains can join this team#
Users can only join the team if their email matches one of the specified domains.
Go to System Console > User Management > Teams to access all available teams.
Select the team from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Team Management section, enable the Only specific email domains can join this team option and add the specific domains.
Select Save.

Synchronize team members#
Admins can choose between inviting members to a team manually or synchronizing members automatically from AD/LDAP groups. See the using AD/LDAP synchronized groups documentation for details on managing team or private channel membership.
Archive the team#
Go to System Console > User Management > Teams to access all available teams.
Select the team from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Team Profile section, select Archive Team.
Select Save.

Also available in legacy Mattermost Enterprise Edition E20
Find Channels#
Find existing channels in your Mattermost instance using the System Console.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Enter the channel name in the Search box.

Filter channel searches#
Filter your channel search to narrow down results based on the channel type (as public, private or archived), channel management type (group sync or manual invites) or based on the team the channel belongs to.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select Filters located to the right of the Search field to access available filter options.
Choose any filter and select Apply to filter channel search results.

Review channel configuration#
View channel configuration details using the System Console. Gather information including the channel profile, advanced access controls, channel management options, groups, and members.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select a channel from the list to review its channel configuration details.

Advanced Access Control#
Manage the Management actions available to channel members and guests.
Create Posts#
The ability for members and guests to create posts in the channel.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select a channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Create Posts section under the Advanced Access Control tab, select the option for Guests, Members, or both to enable those users to post messages in the channel.
Select Save.

Post Reactions#
The ability for members and guests to react with emojis on messages in the channel.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select a channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Post Reactions section under the Advanced Access Control tab, select the option for Guests, Members, or both to enable those users to react with emojis on messages posted to the channel.
Select Save.

Manage Members#
The ability for members to add and remove people from the channels. Guests can’t add or remove people from channels.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select a channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Manage Members section under the Advanced Access Control tab, select Members to enable those users to manage members for the channel.
Select Save.

Channel Mentions#
The ability for members and guests to use channel mentions, including @all, @here, and @channel, in the channel.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select the channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Channel Mentions section under the Advanced Access Control tab, select the option for Guests, Members, or both to enable those users to use channel mentions.
Select Save.

Guests and Members can’t use channel mentions without the ability to Create Posts. To enable this permission, these users must have been granted Create Posts permission first.
Manage Bookmarks#
The ability for members to add, delete, and sort bookmarks. Guests can’t add, remove, or sort bookmarks for the channel.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select the channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Manage Bookmarks section under the Advanced Access Control tab, select Members to enable those users to add, sort, or remove bookmarks for the channel.
Select Save.

The ability to manage bookmarks for the channel is available for Members only. Guests can’t add, remove or sort bookmarks for the channel.
Channel Management#
Choose between inviting members manually or sychronizing members automatically from groups.
Sync Group Members#
When enabled, adding and removing users from groups will add or remove them from this team. The only way of inviting members to this team is by adding the groups they belong to. See the Synchronize teams and channels documentation for further details.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select the channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Channel Management tab, enable the Sync Group Members option.
Select Save.

Public channel or private channel#
Public channels are discoverable and any user can join. Private channels require invitations to join.
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select the channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Public channel or private channel section under the Channel Management tab, toggle between Public or Private to change channel visibility.
Select Save.

When Group Sync is enabled, private channels can’t be converted to public channels.
Choose between inviting members manually or synchronizing members automatically from groups.
Add members#
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select the channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Members section, select Add Members.
Use the Search box to find a specific user or group to add to the channel.
Select Add to add the user or group as a Member.
Select Save.

Remove members#
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select the channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Members section, select Remove for the user that you want to remove.
Select Save.

Archive a channel#
Go to System Console > User Management > Channels to access all available channels.
Select the channel from the list to view its configuration page.
In the Channel Profile section, select Archive Channel.
Select Save.

Channels can be deleted with all content, including posts in the database, using the mmctl channel delete tool.
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
Also available in legacy Mattermost Enterprise Edition E10 or E20
Restrict actions in Mattermost to authorized users only. |
See advanced permissions documentation for details |
System roles#
Also available in legacy Mattermost Enterprise Edition E10 or E20
Restrict System Console access to authorized users only. |
See the delegated granular administration documentation for details |