mmctl command line tool#
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
The mmctl is a CLI tool for the Mattermost server which is installed locally and uses the Mattermost API, but may also be used remotely. Authentication is done with either login credentials or an authentication token. This mmctl tool is included and replaces the CLI. The mmctl can currently be used alongside the Mattermost CLI tool. The Mattermost CLI tool will be deprecated in a future release.
Being installed locally enables system admins for both self-hosted and Cloud Mattermost instances to run CLI commands even in instances where there’s no access to the server (e.g., via SSH).
This feature was developed to a large extent by community contributions and we’d like to extend our gratitude to the contributors who have worked on this project. We are currently accepting pull requests for Help Wanted issues in the mattermost-server repo. You can learn more about the unit test coverage campaign for mmctl in the Unit testing mmctl commands blog post.
mmctl usage notes#
System admins have two ways to run
commands: by downloadingmmctl
from the release URLs, which you can find in the installation instructions, or by building it directly, for which you can check the build instructions below. The source code lives in the server/cmd/mmctl directory within the mattermost repository.mmctl
also comes bundled with the Mattermost distribution, and is located in thebin
folder of the installation, next to theCLI
.We recommend you add the path to the Mattermost
folder into your$PATH
environment variable. This ensures that you can run mmctl commands locally regardless of your current directory location.If the
directory is not added to the$PATH
environment variable, each time you use mmctl you must be in thebin
directory to run mmctl commands, and the commands must be prefixed with./
. If you’re working from a different directory, make sure you specify the full path to mmctl when running mmctl commands.
Parameters in mmctl commands are order-specific.
You can use the
flag with mmctl commands to run them without authentication by allowing communicating with the server through a Unix socket. See the local mode documentation for activation and usage details.If special characters (
, and"
) are used, the entire argument needs to be surrounded by single quotes (e.g.-password 'mypassword!'
, or the individual characters need to be escaped out (e.g.password mypassword\!
).Team name and channel name refer to the handles, not the display names. So in the URL
team name would becore
and channel name would betown-square
mmctl commands#
mmctl auth - Authentication Management
mmctl bot - Bot Management
mmctl channel - Channel Management
mmctl command - Command Management
mmctl completion - Generate autocompletion scripts for bash and zsh
mmctl config - Configuration Management
mmctl docs - Generate mmctl documentation
mmctl export - Exports Management
mmctl extract - Content Extraction Job Management
mmctl group - Group Management
mmctl group channel - Channel Group Management
mmctl group team - Team Group Management
mmctl group user - Custom User Group Management
mmctl import - Import Management
mmctl integrity - (Deprecated) Database Record Integrity
mmctl job - Job Management
mmctl ldap - LDAP Management
mmctl license - License Management
mmctl logs - Log Management
mmctl oauth - OAuth2 application management
mmctl permissions - Permissions Management
mmctl plugin - Plugin Management
mmctl post - Post Management
mmctl roles - Roles Management
mmctl saml - SAML Management
mmctl sampledata - Generate sample data
mmctl system - System Management
mmctl team - Team Management
mmctl team users - Team User Management
mmctl token - Token Management
mmctl user - User Management
mmctl user preference - Manage User Preferences
mmctl version - Version Management
mmctl webhook - Webhook Management
mmctl websocket - Websocket Management
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
-h, --help help for mmctl
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
Install mmctl#
The mmctl tool comes bundled with Mattermost package. For customers that want to setup it independently from the package, the following methods are available to install mmctl.
From Mattermost v8.0, if you’re using a release page for Linux, macOS, or Windows, you can download the mmctl builds at their release URL:${MATTERMOST_VERSION}/${PLATFORM}_${ARCHITECTURE}.tar
(for windows, substitute the .tar
suffix with .zip
E.g. to download version v8.0.0
of the mmctl amd64 build for linux, you can run the following:
curl -vfsSL -O
Supported platforms, and corresponding supported architectures, are: linux (amd64 and arm64), darwin (amd64 and arm64), windows (amd64 only).
For versions older than v8.0.0
, you can instead visit the mmctl releases page and download the appropriate release for your OS, and install the binary.
Use this option on Linux, macOS, and Windows if you have a go
environment configured.
To build and install the mmctl binary in your $GOPATH, run the following command:
# For Mattermost versions >= v8.0.0
go install
# For Mattermost versions < v8.0.0
go install
On Linux or macOS, this isn’t an officially supported method This installation channel is managed by the community. Please refer to the homebrew/homebrew-core repo for reporting issues.
Use this option on Linux and macOS if you have Homebrew installed.
brew install mmctl
Build mmctl#
The mmctl
tool uses go
modules to manage dependencies, so you need to have installed go
1.19 or greater on your machine.
After checking out the mattermost repository locally to your machine, from the root directory of the project, you can compile the mmctl binary by running:
make -C server mmctl-build
Local mode#
Available only for self-hosted deployments
Local mode allows platform administrators with access to the Mattermost server to run mmctl commands against the API without needing to have a user registered. To ensure secure usage of this API, the server exposes a local socket that only a user with access to the server’s file system can access. The requests coming from the socket are treated as authorized, so they can reach the handlers without requiring a user session.
The API that the socket exposes follows the same specification that can be found in the API documentation, so mmctl is able to interact with it without needing any modifications. When a request comes in through the socket, it is flagged as local by the server, and this flag is taken into account when checking for session permissions to correctly authorize the sessions.
Activating local mode#
To use local mode, the Mattermost server first needs to have local mode enabled. When local mode is enabled, a socket is created at /var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket
by default.
When trying to use local mode with mmctl, ensure you’re using the same user when running the server and mmctl, or clean up the socket file before switching to a new user. If you encounter an error like socket file "/var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket" doesn't exists, please check the server configuration for local mode
, this can be resolved by setting this configuration setting to true
Using local mode#
You need to append --local
to the command you want to use, or set the environment variable as MMCTL_LOCAL=true
. To use a socket file other than the default, you need to set the environment variable to MMCTL_LOCAL_SOCKET_PATH
. This file must match the server configuration setting.
Running mmctl tests#
Available only for self-hosted deployments
mmctl has two types of tests: unit tests and end to end tests.
To execute them, you can run the following commands from the mattermost project root directory:
# For the unit tests
make -C server test-mmctl-unit
# For the end to end tests
make -C server test-mmctl-e2e
mmctl auth#
Manage the credentials and authentication methods of remote Mattermost instances.
- Child Commands
mmctl auth clean - Clean credentials
mmctl auth current - Display current credentials
mmctl auth delete - Delete authentication details
mmctl auth list - List registered credentials
mmctl auth login - Log into Mattermost instance
mmctl auth renew - Renew login credentials
mmctl auth set - Set login credentials
-h, --help help for auth
mmctl auth clean#
Clean the credentials associated with a Mattermost instance.
mmctl auth clean [flags]
mmctl auth clean
-h, --help help for clean
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl auth current#
Show the currently stored user credentials.
mmctl auth current [flags]
mmctl auth current
-h, --help help for current
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl auth delete#
Delete a named credential.
mmctl auth delete [server name] [flags]
mmctl auth delete local-server
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl auth list#
Print a list of registered credentials.
mmctl auth list [flags]
mmctl auth list
-h, --help help for auth list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl auth login#
Log in to an instance and store credentials. You can log in with a personal access token instead of using username/password. See access tokens for details.
mmctl auth login [instance url] --name [server name] --username [username] --password-file [password-file] [flags]
mmctl auth login
mmctl auth login --name local-server --username sysadmin --password-file mysupersecret.txt
mmctl auth login --name local-server --username sysadmin --password-file mysupersecret.txt --mfa-token 123456
mmctl auth login --name local-server --access-token myaccesstoken
-t, --access-token-file string Access token file to be read to use instead of username/password
-h, --help help for login
-m, --mfa-token string MFA token for the credentials
-n, --name string Name for the credentials
--no-activate If present, it won't activate the credentials after login
-f, --password-file string Password file to be read for the credentials
-u, --username string Username for the credentials
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
$ mmctl auth login --name community --username my-username --password-file mysupersecret
The login
command can also work interactively, so if you leave any required flag empty, mmctl
will ask you for it interactively:
$ mmctl auth login
Connection name: community
Username: my-username
Password File:
To log in with MFA, use the --mfa-token
$ mmctl auth login --name community --username my-username --password-file mysupersecret --mfa-token 123456
Access tokens#
You can generate and use a personal access token to authenticate with a server, instead of using username and password to log in:
$ mmctl auth login --name community --access-token MY_ACCESS_TOKEN
Alternatively, you can log in to your Mattermost server with a username and password:
$ mmctl auth login --name my-instance --username john.doe --password-file mysupersecret
credentials for my-instance: john.doe@ stored
We can check the currently stored credentials with:
$ mmctl auth list
| Active | Name | Username | InstanceUrl |
| * | my-instance | john.doe | |
And now we can run commands normally:
$ mmctl user search john.doe
id: qykfw3t933y38k57ubct77iu9c
username: john.doe
first_name: John
last_name: Doe
Installing shell completions#
To install the shell completions for bash, add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.profile
source <(mmctl completion bash)
For zsh, add the following line to your ~/.zshrc
source <(mmctl completion zsh)
mmctl auth renew#
Renew the credentials for a given server.
mmctl auth renew [flags]
mmctl auth renew local-server
-t, --access-token-file string Access token file to be read to use instead of username/password
-h, --help help for renew
-m, --mfa-token string MFA token for the credentials
-f, --password-file string Password file to be read for the credentials
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl auth set#
Set credentials to use in the following commands.
mmctl auth set [server name] [flags]
mmctl auth set local-server
-h, --help help for set
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
Authenticate to a server (e.g. >mmctl auth login
, then enter your username and password (and MFA token if MFA is enabled on the account).
mmctl bot#
Manage bots.
- Child Commands
mmctl bot assign - Assign bot ownership
mmctl bot create - Create a new bot
mmctl bot disable - Disable a bot
mmctl bot enable - Enable a bot
mmctl bot list - List all bots
mmctl bot update - Update bot configuration
-h, --help help for bot
mmctl bot assign#
Assign the ownership of a bot to another user.
mmctl bot assign [bot-username] [new-owner-username] [flags]
mmctl bot assign testbot user2
-h, --help help for assign
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl bot create#
Create a bot.
mmctl bot create [username] [flags]
mmctl bot create testbot
--description string Optional. The description text for the new bot.
--display-name string Optional. The display name for the new bot.
-h, --help help for create
--with-token Optional. Auto genreate access token for the bot.
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl bot disable#
Disable an enabled bot.
mmctl bot disable [username] [flags]
mmctl bot disable testbot
-h, --help help for disable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl bot enable#
Enable a disabled bot.
mmctl bot enable [username] [flags]
mmctl bot enable testbot
-h, --help help for enable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl bot list#
List the bot’s users.
mmctl bot list [flags]
mmctl bot list
--all Optional. Show all bots (including deleleted and orphaned)
-h, --help help for list
--orphaned Optional. Only show orphaned bots
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl bot update#
Update bot information.
mmctl bot update [username] [flags]
mmctl bot update testbot --username newbotusername
--description string Optional. The new description text for the bot
--display-name string Optional. The new display name for the bot
-h, --help help for update
--username string Optional. The new username for the bot
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel#
Manage channels.
- Child Commands
mmctl channel archive - Archive a channel
mmctl channel create - Create a channel
mmctl channel delete - Delete a channel
mmctl channel list - List all channels on specified teams
mmctl channel make-private - (Deprecated) Set a channel’s type to “private”
mmctl channel modify - Modify a channel’s type (private/public)
mmctl channel move - Move channels to the specified team
mmctl channel rename - Rename a channel
mmctl channel restore - (Deprecated) Restore a channel from the archive
mmctl channel search - Search a channel by name
mmctl channel unarchive - Unarchive a channel
mmctl channel users - Manage channel users
mmctl channel users add - Add a user to a channel
mmctl channel users remove - Remove a user from a channel
-h, --help help for channel
mmctl channel archive#
Archive channels along with all related information including posts from the database. Channels can be specified by [team]:[channel]
(i.e., myteam:mychannel
), or by channel ID.
mmctl channel archive [channels] [flags]
mmctl channel archive myteam:mychannel
-h, --help help for archive
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel create#
Create a channel.
mmctl channel create [flags]
mmctl channel create --team myteam --name mynewchannel --display-name "My New Channel"
mmctl channel create --team myteam --name mynewprivatechannel --display-name "My New Private Channel" --private
--display-name string Channel Display Name
--header string Channel header
-h, --help help for create
--name string Channel Name
--private Create a private channel
--purpose string Channel purpose
--team string Team name or ID
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel delete#
Permanently delete channels along with all related information including posts from the database.
Requires the Enable API Channel Deletion configuration setting to be set to true
. If this configuration setting is set to false
, attempting to delete the channel using mmctl fails.
mmctl channel delete [channels] [flags]
mmctl channel delete myteam:mychannel
--confirm Confirm you really want to delete the channel and a database backup has been performed.
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel list#
List all Public, Private, and archived channels on specified teams. Archived channels are appended with (archived)
. Private channels the user is a member of, or has access to, are appended with (private)
mmctl channel list [teams] [flags]
mmctl channel list myteam
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel make-private#
This command is deprecated in favour of mmctl channel modify and the --private
Set the type of a channel from Public to Private. Channel can be specified by [team]:[channel]
(e.g., myteam:mychannel
), or by channel ID.
mmctl channel make-private [channel] [flags]
mmctl channel make-private myteam:mychannel
-h, --help help for make-private
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel modify#
Change the Public/Private type of a channel. Channel can be specified by [team]:[channel]
(e.g., myteam:mychannel
), or by channel ID.
mmctl channel modify [channel] [flags]
mmctl channel modify myteam:mychannel --private
mmctl channel modify channelId --public
-h, --help help for modify
--private Convert the channel to a private channel
--public Convert the channel to a public channel
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel move#
Move the provided channels to the specified team. Validate that all users in the channel belong to the target team. Incoming/outgoing webhooks are moved along with the channel. Channels can be specified by [team]:[channel]
(e.g., myteam:mychannel
), or by channel ID.
mmctl channel move [team] [channels] [flags]
mmctl channel move newteam oldteam:mychannel
-h, --help help for move
--force Remove users that are not members of target team before moving the channel.
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel rename#
Rename an existing channel.
mmctl channel rename [channel] [flags]
mmctl channel rename myteam:oldchannel --name 'new-channel' --display_name 'New Display Name'
mmctl channel rename myteam:oldchannel --name 'new-channel'
mmctl channel rename myteam:oldchannel --display_name 'New Display Name'
--display_name string Channel Display Name
-h, --help help for rename
--name string Channel Name
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel restore#
This command is deprecated in favor of mmctl channel unarchive. Not used in Mattermost Server version v5.26 and later.
Restore a previously deleted channel. Channels can be specified by [team]:[channel]
(e.g., myteam:mychannel
), or by channel ID.
mmctl channel restore [channels] [flags]
mmctl channel restore myteam:mychannel
-h, --help help for restore
Options inherited from parent commands
--format string the format of the command output [plain, json] (default "plain")
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows the use of insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
mmctl channel search#
Search a channel by channel name. Channels can be specified by team (e.g., --team myteam mychannel
), or by team ID.
mmctl channel search [channel]
mmctl search --team [team] [channel] [flags]
mmctl channel search mychannel
mmctl channel search --team myteam mychannel
-h, --help help for search
--team string team name or ID
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel unarchive#
Unarchive a previously archived channel. Channels can be specified by [team]:[channel]
(e.g., myteam:mychannel
), or by channel ID.
mmctl channel unarchive [channels] [flags]
mmctl channel unarchive myteam:mychannel
-h, --help help for unarchive
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel users#
Manage channel users.
-h, --help help for users
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel users add#
Add users to a channel.
mmctl channel users add [channel] [users] [flags]
mmctl channel users add myteam:mychannel username
-h, --help help for add
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl channel users remove#
Remove users from a channel.
mmctl channel users remove [channel] [users] [flags]
mmctl channel users remove myteam:mychannel username
mmctl channel users remove myteam:mychannel --all-users
--all-users Remove all users from the indicated channel
-h, --help help for remove
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl command#
Manage slash commands.
- Child Commands
mmctl command archive - Archive a slash command
mmctl command create - Create a custom command
mmctl command delete - (Deprecated) Delete a specified slash command
mmctl command list - List slash commands on specified teams
mmctl command modify - Modify a slash command
mmctl command move - Move a slash command to a different team
mmctl command show - Show a custom slash command
-h, --help help for command
mmctl command archive#
Archive a slash command. Commands can be specified by command ID.
mmctl command archive [commandID] [flags]
mmctl command archive commandID
-h, --help help for archive
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl command create#
Create a custom slash command for the specified team.
mmctl command create [team] [flags]
mmctl command create myteam --title MyCommand --description "My Command Description" --trigger-word mycommand --url http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler --creator myusername --response-username my-bot-username --icon http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler-bot-icon.png --autocomplete --post
--autocomplete Show Command in autocomplete list
--autocompleteDesc string Short Command Description for autocomplete list
--autocompleteHint string Command Arguments displayed as help in autocomplete list
--creator string Command Creator's Username (required)
--description string Command Description
-h, --help help for create
--icon string Command Icon URL
--post Use POST method for Callback URL
--response-username string Command Response Username
--title string Command Title
--trigger-word string Command Trigger Word (required)
--url string Command Callback URL (required)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl command delete#
This command is deprecated in favor of mmctl command archive.
Delete a slash command. Commands can be specified by command ID.
mmctl command delete [flags]
mmctl command delete commandID
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--format string the format of the command output [plain, json] (default "plain")
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows the use of insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
mmctl command list#
List all commands on specified teams.
mmctl command list [teams] [flags]
mmctl command list myteam
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl command modify#
Modify a slash command. Commands can be specified by command ID.
mmctl command modify [commandID] [flags]
mmctl command modify commandID --title MyModifiedCommand --description "My Modified Command Description" --trigger-word mycommand --url http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler --creator myusername --response-username my-bot-username --icon http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler-bot-icon.png --autocomplete --post
--autocomplete Show Command in autocomplete list
--autocompleteDesc string Short Command Description for autocomplete list
--autocompleteHint string Command Arguments displayed as help in autocomplete list
--creator string Command Creator's username, email or id (required)
--description string Command Description
-h, --help help for modify
--icon string Command Icon URL
--post Use POST method for Callback URL
--response-username string Command Response Username
--title string Command Title
--trigger-word string Command Trigger Word (required)
--url string Command Callback URL (required)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl command move#
Move a slash command to a different team. Commands can be specified by command ID.
mmctl command move [team] [commandID] [flags]
mmctl command move newteam commandID
-h, --help help for move
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl command show#
Show a custom slash command. Commands can be specified by command ID. Returns command ID, team ID, trigger word, display name, and creator username.
mmctl command show [commandID] [flags]
mmctl command show commandID
-h, --help help for show
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl completion#
Generate autocompletion scripts for bash
and zsh
- Child Commands
mmctl completion bash - Edit the configuration settings
mmctl completion zsh - Get the value of a configuration setting
-h, --help help for completion
mmctl completion bash#
Generate the bash
autocompletion scripts.
To load completion, run:
. <(mmctl completion bash)
To configure your bash
shell to load completions for each session, add the above line to your ~/.bashrc
mmctl completion bash [flags]
-h, --help help for bash
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl completion zsh#
Generate the zsh
autocompletion scripts.
To load completion, run:
. <(mmctl completion zsh)
To configure your zsh
shell to load completions for each session, add the above line to your ~/.zshrc
mmctl completion zsh [flags]
-h, --help help for zsh
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config#
Configuration settings.
- Child Commands
mmctl config edit - Edit the configuration settings
mmctl config export - Export the server configuration
mmctl config get - Get the value of a configuration setting
mmctl config migrate - Migrate existing configuration between backends
mmctl config patch - Patch the configuration
mmctl config reload - Reload the server configuration
mmctl config reset - Reset the configuration
mmctl config set - Set the value of a configuration
mmctl config show - Write the server configuration to STDOUT
mmctl config subpath - Update client asset loading to use the configured subpath
-h, --help help for config
mmctl config edit#
Open the editor defined in the EDITOR environment variable to modify the server’s configuration. Once complete, save the file, then upload it to your server.
mmctl config edit [flags]
mmctl config edit
-h, --help help for edit
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config export#
Use this command to export the server configuration, which can then be imported into another server or environment. Masked values are only exported when the tool is running in local mode.
mmctl config export [flags]
mmctl config export --remove-masked --remove-defaults
-h, --help help for export
--remove-defaults remove default values from the exported configuration
--remove-masked remove masked values from the exported configuration (default true)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config get#
Get the value of a configuration setting by its name in dot notation.
mmctl config get [flags]
mmctl config get SqlSettings.DriverName
-h, --help help for get
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config migrate#
Migrate a file-based configuration to (or from) a database-based configuration. Point the Mattermost server at the target configuration to start using it. This command only migrates the configuration data from one type to another.
To change the store type to use the database, a system admin needs to set a
environment variable and restart the Mattermost server.The
function requires local mode to be enabled. To do this, add the following line to your Mattermost Environment file:MM_SERVICESETTINGS_ENABLELOCALMODE=true
mmctl config migrate [from_config] [to_config] [flags]
mmctl config migrate path/to/config.json "postgres://mmuser:mostest@localhost:5432/mattermost_test?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10" --local
-h, --help help for migrate
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config patch#
Patch the server configuration with the specified configuration file.
mmctl config patch <config-file> [flags]
mmctl config patch /path/to/config.json
-h, --help help for reload
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config reload#
Reload the server configuration and apply new settings.
mmctl config reload [flags]
mmctl config reload
-h, --help help for reload
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config reset#
Reset the value of a configuration setting by its name in dot notation or a setting section. Accepts multiple values for array settings.
mmctl config reset [flags]
mmctl config reset SqlSettings.DriverName LogSettings
--confirm Confirm you really want to reset all configuration settings to the default value
-h, --help help for reset
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config set#
Set the value of a config setting by its name in dot notation. Accepts multiple values for array settings.
Mattermost plugin uploads can’t be enabled through the API or using mmctl in local mode.
mmctl config set [flags]
4 Examples
mmctl config set SqlSettings.DriverName postgres
mmctl config set SqlSettings.DataSourceReplicas "replica1" "replica2"
mmctl config set "http://mattermost-rtcd"
mmctl config set LogSettings.AdvancedLoggingJSON '{"console1":{"Type":"console","Format":"json","Levels":[{"ID":5,"Name":"debug","Stacktrace":false},{"ID":4,"Name":"info","Stacktrace":false,"color":36},{"ID":3,"Name":"warn","Stacktrace":false},{"ID":2,"Name":"error","Stacktrace":true,"color":31},{"ID":1,"Name":"fatal","Stacktrace":true,"color":31},{"ID":0,"Name":"panic","Stacktrace":true,"color":31},{"ID":10,"Name":"stdlog","Stacktrace":false}],"Options":{"Out":"stdout"},"MaxQueueSize":1000}}'
-h, --help help for set
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config show#
Print the server configuration and write to STDOUT in JSON format.
mmctl config show [flags]
mmctl config show
-h, --help help for show
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl config subpath#
Update the hard-coded production client asset paths to take into account Mattermost running on a subpath. This command needs access to the Mattermost assets
directory to be able to rewrite the paths.
mmctl config subpath [flags]
# you can rewrite the assets to use a subpath
mmctl config subpath --assets-dir /opt/mattermost/client --path /mattermost
# the subpath can have multiple steps
mmctl config subpath --assets-dir /opt/mattermost/client --path /my/custom/subpath
# or you can fallback to the root path passing /
mmctl config subpath --assets-dir /opt/mattermost/client --path /
-a, --assets-dir string directory of the Mattermost assets in the local filesystem
-h, --help help for subpath
-p, --path string path to update the assets with
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl docs#
Generate mmctl documentation.
mmctl docs [flags]
-d, --directory string The directory where the docs would be generated in. (default "docs")
-h, --help help for docs
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl export#
Manage exports.
- Child Commands
mmctl export create - Create an export file
mmctl export delete - Delete an export file
mmctl export download - Download export files
mmctl export generate-presigned-url - Generate a pre-signed URL for an export file
mmctl export job - List, show, and cancel export jobs
mmctl export job cancel - Cancel export job
mmctl export job list - List export jobs
mmctl export job show - Show export job
mmctl export list - List export files
-h, --help help for group
mmctl export create#
Create an export file including message attachments.
mmctl export create [flags]
--no-attachments Omit file attachments in the export file.
--include-archived-channels Include archived channels in the export file.
-h, --help help for create
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl export delete#
Delete an export file.
mmctl export delete [exportname] [flags]
mmctl export delete
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl export download#
Download export files.
mmctl export download [exportname] [filepath] [flags]
# You can indicate the name of the export and its destination path
$ mmctl export download samplename
# If you only indicate the name, the path will match it
$ mmctl export download
-h, --help help for download
--num-retries int Number of retries to resume a download. (Default is 5)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl export generate-presigned-url#
Generate a pre-signed URL for an export file in cases where a Mattermost Cloud export is large and challenging to download from the Mattermost server.
mmctl export generate-presigned-url [exportname] [flags]
-h, --help help for generate-presigned-url
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl export job#
List, show, and export jobs.
-h, --help help for job
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl export job cancel#
Cancel an export job.
mmctl export job cancel [exportJobID] [flags]
export job cancel o98rj3ur83dp5dppfyk5yk6osy
-h, --help help for download
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl export job list#
List export jobs. Export files include the Job ID in the file name.
mmctl export job list [flags]
mmctl export job list
--all Fetch all export jobs. ``--page`` flag will be ignored if provided
-h, --help help for list
--page int Page number to fetch for the list of export jobs
--per-page int Number of export jobs to be fetched (maximum 200)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl export job show#
Show export job.
mmctl export job show [exportJobID] [flags]
mmctl export job show
-h, --help help for show
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl export list#
List export files. Export files include the job ID in the file name.
mmctl export list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl extract#
Manage content extraction jobs.
- Child Commands
mmctl extract job - List and show content extraction jobs
mmctl extract run - Start a content extraction job
-h, --help help for list
mmctl extract job#
List and show content extraction jobs.
- Child Commands
mmctl extract job list - List content extraction jobs
mmctl extract job show - Show extract job
mmctl extract job list#
List content extraction jobs.
mmctl extract job list [flags]
mmctl extract job list
--all Fetch all export jobs. --page flag will be ignore if provided
-h, --help help for list
--page int Page number to fetch for the list of export jobs
--per-page int Number of export jobs to be fetched (maximum 200)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl extract job show#
Show extract job.
mmctl extract job show [extractJobID] [flags]
mmctl extract job show f3d68qkkm7n8xgsfxwuo498rah
-h, --help help for disable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl extract run#
Start a content extraction job.
mmctl extract run [flags]
mmctl extract run
--from int The timestamp of the earliest file to extract, expressed in seconds since the unix epoch.
-h, --help help for run
--to int The timestamp of the latest file to extract, expressed in seconds since the unix epoch. Defaults to the current time.
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group#
Manage channel and team groups.
- Child Commands
mmctl group channel - Manage channel groups
mmctl group list-ldap - List LDAP groups
mmctl group team - Manage team groups
mmctl group user - Manage custom user groups
mmctl group channel#
Management of channel groups
- Child Commands
mmctl group channel disable - Disable group channel constrains
mmctl group channel enable - Enable group channel constrains
mmctl group channel list - List channel groups
mmctl group channel status - Check group status
-h, --help help for group
mmctl group channel disable#
Disable group constrains in the specified channel.
mmctl group channel disable [team]:[channel] [flags]
mmctl group channel disable myteam:mychannel
-h, --help help for disable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group channel enable#
Enable group constrains in the specified channel.
mmctl group channel enable [team]:[channel] [flags]
mmctl group channel enable myteam:mychannel
-h, --help help for enable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group channel list#
List the groups associated with a channel.
mmctl group channel list [team]:[channel] [flags]
mmctl group channel list myteam:mychannel
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group channel status#
Show the group constrain status for the specified channel.
mmctl group channel status [team]:[channel] [flags]
mmctl group channel status myteam:mychannel
-h, --help help for status
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group list-ldap#
List LDAP groups.
mmctl group list-ldap [flags]
mmctl group list-ldap
-h, --help help for list-ldap
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group team#
Manage team groups.
- Child Commands
mmctl group team disable - Disable group team constrains
mmctl group team enable - Enable group team constrains
mmctl group team list - List team groups
mmctl group team status - Check group constrain status
-h, --help help for group
mmctl group team disable#
Disable group constrains in the specified team.
mmctl group team disable [team] [flags]
mmctl group team disable myteam
-h, --help help for disable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group team enable#
Enable group constrains in the specified team.
mmctl group team enable [team] [flags]
mmctl group team enable myteam
-h, --help help for enable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group team list#
List the groups associated with a team.
mmctl group team list [team] [flags]
mmctl group team list myteam
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group team status#
Show the group constrain status for the specified team.
mmctl group team status [team] [flags]
mmctl group channel status myteam
-h, --help help for status
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl group user#
Manage custom user groups.
- Child Commands
mmctl group user restore - Restore custom user group
-h, --help help for group
mmctl group user restore#
Restore custom user group.
mmctl group user restore [groupname] [flags]
mmctl group user restore examplegroup
-h, --help help for disable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl import#
Manage imports.
- Child Commands
mmctl import job - List and show import jobs
mmctl import job list - List import jobs
mmctl import job show - Show import job
mmctl import list - List all import files
mmctl import list available - List available import files
mmctl import list incomplete - List incomplete import files uploads
mmctl import process - Start an import job
mmctl import upload - Upload import files
mmctl import validate - Validate an import file
-h, --help help for import
mmctl import job#
List and show import jobs.
-h, --help help for status
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl import job list#
List import jobs
mmctl import job list [flags]
mmctl import job list
--all Fetch all import jobs. --page flag will be ignore if provided
-h, --help help for list
--page int Page number to fetch for the list of import jobs
--per-page int Number of import jobs to be fetched (maximum 200)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl import job show#
Show import job.
mmctl import job show [importJobID] [flags]
mmctl import job show f3d68qkkm7n8xgsfxwuo498rah
-h, --help help for status
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl import list#
List all import files.
mmctl import list
-h, --help help for status
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl import list available#
List available import files.
mmctl import list available [flags]
mmctl import list available
-h, --help help for status
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl import list incomplete#
List incomplete import files uploads.
mmctl import list incomplete [flags]
mmctl import list incomplete
-h, --help help for status
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl import process#
Start an import job.
mmctl import process [importname] [flags]
mmctl import process
-h, --help help for status
--bypass-upload File is read directly from the filesystem, instead of being processed from the server. Supported in --local mode only.
--extract-content Document attachments will be extracted and indexed during the import process. We recommend disabling this to improve performance.
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl import upload#
Upload import files.
mmctl import upload [filepath] [flags]
mmctl import upload
-h, --help help for upload
--resume Set to true to resume an incomplete import upload.
--upload string The ID of the import upload to resume.
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl import validate#
Validate an import file.
mmctl import validate [filepath] [flags]
import validate --team myteam --team myotherteam
--check-missing-teams Check for teams that are not defined but referenced in the archive
--check-server-duplicates Set to false to ignore teams, channels, and users already present on the server (Default true)
-h, --help help for validate
--ignore-attachments Do not check if the attached files are present in the archive
--team stringarray Predefined teams to assume as already present on the destination server. Implies --check-missing-teams. The flag can be repeated
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl integrity#
This command is deprecated from Mattermost v9.3. Performs a relational integrity check which returns information about any orphaned record found. This command can only be run using local mode.
mmctl integrity [flags]
--confirm Confirm you really want to run a complete integrity check that may temporarily harm system performance
-h, --help help for integrity
-v, --verbose Show detailed information on integrity check results
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl job#
Management of jobs.
- Child Commands
mmctl job list - List the latest jobs
mmctl job update - Update the status of a job
-h, --help help for ldap
mmctl job list#
List the latest jobs.
mmctl job list [flags]
job list
job list --ids jobID1,jobID2
job list --type ldap_sync --status success
job list --type ldap_sync --status success --page 0 --per-page 10
--all Fetch all import jobs. --page flag will be ignored if provided
-h, --help help for list
--ids strings Comma-separated list of job IDs to which the operation will be applied. All other flags are ignored
--page int Page number to fetch for the list of import jobs
--per-page int Number of import jobs to be fetched (default 5)
--status string Filter by job status
--type string Filter by job type
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl job update#
Update the status of a job.
The following status rules are permitted:
can be changed topending
can be changed tocancel_requested
can be changed tocanceled
These restrictions can be bypassed with --force=true
. Bypassing restrictions can have unexpected consequences on your Mattermost server and should be used with caution.
mmctl job update [job] [status] [flags]
job update myJobID pending
job update myJobID pending --force true
job update myJobID canceled --force true
--force Setting a job status is restricted to certain statuses. You can overwrite these restrictions by using --force. Use this option with caution.
-h, --help help for update
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl ldap#
LDAP-related utilities.
- Child Commands
mmctl ldap idmigrate - Migrate LDAP IdAttribute to a new value
mmctl ldap job - List and show LDAP synchronization jobs
mmctl ldap sync - Sync all LDAP users and groups
-h, --help help for ldap
mmctl ldap idmigrate#
Migrate LDAP IdAttribute
to a new value. Run this utility to change the value of your ID Attribute without your users losing their accounts. After running the command, you can change the ID Attribute to the new value in the System Console. For example, if your current ID Attribute was sAMAccountName
and you wanted to change it to objectGUID
, you would:
Wait for an off-peak time when your users won’t be impacted by a server restart.
Run the command
mmctl ldap idmigrate objectGUID
.Update the config within the System Console to the new value
.Restart the Mattermost server.
mmctl ldap idmigrate <objectGUID> [flags]
mmctl ldap idmigrate objectGUID
-h, --help help for idmigrate
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl ldap job#
List and show LDAP synchronization jobs.
- Child Commands
mmctl ldap job list - LIst LDAP synchronization jobs
mmctl ldap job show - Show LDAP synchronization jobs
-h, --help help for ldap
mmctl ldap job list#
List LDAP synchronization jobs.
mmctl ldap job list [flags]
mmctl ldap job list
--all Fetch all import jobs. The ``--page`` flag will be ignored if provided.
-h, --help help for list
--page int Page number to fetch for the list of import jobs
--per-page int Number of import jobs to be fetched (maximum 200)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl ldap job show#
Show LDAP synchronization jobs.
mmctl ldap job show [ldapJobID] [flags]
mmctl ldap show f3d68qkkm7n8xgsfxwuo498rah
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl ldap sync#
Synchronize all LDAP users and groups now.
mmctl ldap sync [flags]
mmctl ldap sync
-h, --help help for sync
--include-removed-members Include members who left or were removed from a group-synced team/channel. Useful in cases where synchronized groups are unlinked/re-linked for testing purposes, when LDAP users are deactivated and reactivated, or when a user leaves a team in error.
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl license#
Manage the Mattermost license.
- Child Commands
mmctl license remove - Remove the current license
mmctl license upload - Upload a new license
mmctl license upload-string - Upload a license from a string
-h, --help help for license
mmctl license remove#
Remove the current license and use Mattermost Team Edition.
mmctl license remove [flags]
mmctl license remove
-h, --help help for remove
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl license upload#
Upload a license and replace the current license.
mmctl license upload [license] [flags]
mmctl license upload /path/to/license/mylicensefile.mattermost-license
-h, --help help for upload
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl license upload-string#
Upload a license from a string. Replaces the current license.
mmctl license upload-string [license] [flags]
license upload-string "mylicensestring"
-h, --help help for upload
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl logs#
Display logs in a human-readable format. As the log format depends on the server, the --format
flag cannot be used with this command.
mmctl logs [flags]
-h, --help help for logs
-l, --logrus Use logrus for formatting
-n, --number int Number of log lines to retrieve (default 200)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl oauth#
Manage registered OAuth2 applications.
- Child Commands
mmctl oauth list - Remove permissions from a role
-h, --help help for permissions
mmctl oauth list#
List all registered OAuth2 applications.
mmctl oauth list [flags]
mmctl list
-h, --help help for add
--page int Page number to fetch for the list of OAuth2 apps
--per-page int Number of OAuth2 apps to be fetched per page (maximum 200)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl permissions#
Manage permissions and roles.
- Child Commands
mmctl permissions add - Add permissions to a role
mmctl permissions remove - Remove permissions from a role
mmctl permissions reset - Reset default permissions for a role
mmctl permissions role assign - Assign users to role
mmctl permissions role show - Show the role information
mmctl permissions role unassign - Unassign users from a role
-h, --help help for permissions
mmctl permissions add#
Available only on Enterprise plans
Add one or more permissions to an existing role.
mmctl permissions add <role> <permission...> [flags]
mmctl permissions add system_user list_open_teams
mmctl permissions add system_manager sysconsole_read_user_management_channels
-h, --help help for add
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl permissions remove#
Available only on Enterprise plans
Remove one or more permissions from an existing role.
mmctl permissions remove <role> <permission...> [flags]
mmctl permissions remove system_user list_open_teams
mmctl permissions remove system_manager sysconsole_read_user_management_channels
-h, --help help for remove
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl permissions reset#
Available only on Enterprise plans
Reset the given role’s permissions to the default settings and overwrite custom settings.
mmctl permissions reset <role_name> [flags]
# Reset the permissions of the 'system_read_only_admin' role.
$ mmctl permissions reset system_read_only_admin
-h, --help help for reset
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl permissions role assign#
Available only on Enterprise plans
Assign users to a role by username.
mmctl permissions role assign <role_name> <username...> [flags]
# Assign users with usernames 'john.doe' and 'jane.doe' to the role named 'system_admin'.
mmctl permissions role assign system_admin john.doe jane.doe
# Examples using other system roles
mmctl permissions role assign system_manager john.doe jane.doe
mmctl permissions role assign system_user_manager john.doe jane.doe
mmctl permissions role assign system_read_only_admin john.doe jane.doe
-h, --help help for assign
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl permissions role show#
Show all the information about a role.
mmctl permissions role show <role_name> [flags]
mmctl permissions show system_user
-h, --help help for show
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl permissions role unassign#
Unassign users from a role by username. Available in Mattermost Professional and Mattermost Enterprise.
mmctl permissions role unassign <role_name> <username...> [flags]
# Unassign users with usernames 'john.doe' and 'jane.doe' from the role named 'system_admin'.
mmctl permissions unassign system_admin john.doe jane.doe
# Examples using other system roles
mmctl permissions unassign system_manager john.doe jane.doe
mmctl permissions unassign system_user_manager john.doe jane.doe
mmctl permissions unassign system_read_only_admin john.doe jane.doe
-h, --help help for unassign
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl plugin#
Manage plugins.
- Child Commands
mmctl plugin add - Add plugins
mmctl plugin delete - Remove plugins
mmctl plugin disable - Disable plugins
mmctl plugin enable - Enable plugins
mmctl plugin install-url - Install plugin from URL
mmctl plugin list - List plugins
mmctl plugin marketplace - Manage Marketplace plugins
-h, --help help for plugin
mmctl plugin add#
Add plugins to your Mattermost server.
mmctl plugin add [plugins] [flags]
mmctl plugin add hovercardexample.tar.gz pluginexample.tar.gz
-f, --force overwrite a previously installed plugin with the same ID, if any
-h, --help help for add
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl plugin delete#
Delete previously uploaded plugins from your Mattermost server.
mmctl plugin delete [plugins] [flags]
mmctl plugin delete hovercardexample pluginexample
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl plugin disable#
Disable plugins. Disabled plugins are immediately removed from the user interface and logged out of all sessions.
mmctl plugin disable [plugins] [flags]
mmctl plugin disable hovercardexample pluginexample
-h, --help help for disable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl plugin enable#
Enable plugins for use on your Mattermost server.
mmctl plugin enable [plugins] [flags]
mmctl plugin enable hovercardexample pluginexample
-h, --help help for enable
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl plugin install-url#
Supply URLs to plugins compressed in a .tar.gz
file. Plugins must be enabled in the server’s config settings.
mmctl plugin install-url <url>... [flags]
# You can install one plugin
$ mmctl plugin install-url
# Or install multiple plugins at a time
$ mmctl plugin install-url
-f, --force overwrite a previously installed plugin with the same ID, if any
-h, --help help for install-url
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl plugin list#
List all enabled and disabled plugins installed on your Mattermost server.
mmctl plugin list [flags]
mmctl plugin list
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl plugin marketplace#
Manage Marketplace plugins.
- Child Commands
mmctl plugin marketplace install - Install a plugin from the Plugin Marketplace
mmctl plugin marketplace list - List plugins on the Plugin Marketplace
-h, --help help for marketplace
mmctl plugin marketplace install#
Install a plugin available on the Plugin Marketplace server. The latest version of the plugin will be installed.
mmctl plugin marketplace install <id> [flags]
$ mmctl plugin marketplace install jitsi
-h, --help help for install
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl plugin marketplace list#
Get all plugins available from the Plugin Marketplace server, merging data from locally installed plugins as well as prepackaged plugins shipped with the server.
mmctl plugin marketplace list [flags]
# You can list all available plugins
$ mmctl plugin marketplace list --all
# Pagination options can be used
$ mmctl plugin marketplace list --page 2 --per-page 10
# Filtering narrows down the search
$ mmctl plugin marketplace list --filter jit
# You can retrieve only local plugins
$ mmctl plugin marketplace list --local-only
--all Fetch all plugins. --page flag will be ignore if provided
--filter string Filter plugins by ID, name or description
-h, --help help for list
--local-only Only retrieve local plugins
--page int Page number to fetch for the list of users
--per-page int Number of users to be fetched (maximum 200)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl post#
Manage posts.
- Child Commands
mmctl post create - Create a post
mmctl post delete - Delete a post
mmctl post list - List posts for a channel
-h, --help help for post
mmctl post create#
Create a post.
mmctl post create [flags]
mmctl post create myteam:mychannel --message "some text for the post"
-h, --help help for create
-m, --message string Message for the post
-r, --reply-to string Post id to reply to
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl post delete#
Mark a post as deleted and remove it and all attachments from the client without permanently deleting it from the database.
Permanently delete a post and all attachments using the --permanent
mmctl post delete [posts] [flags]
Mark post as deleted:
mmctl post delete udjmt396tjghi8wnsk3a1qs1sw
Permanently delete a post and its file contents from the database and filestore:
mmctl post delete udjmt396tjghi8wnsk3a1qs1sw --permanent
Permanently delete multiple posts and their file contents from the database and filestore:
mmctl post delete udjmt396tjghi8wnsk3a1qs1sw 7jgcjt7tyjyyu83qz81wo84w6o --permanent
--confirm Confirm you really want to delete the post and a DB backup has been performed
-h, --help help for delete
--permanent Permanently delete the post and its contents from the database
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl post list#
List posts for a channel.
mmctl post list [flags]
mmctl post list myteam:mychannel
mmctl post list myteam:mychannel --number 20
-f, --follow Output appended data as new messages are posted to the channel
-h, --help help for list
-n, --number int Number of messages to list (default 20)
-i, --show-ids Show posts ids
-s, --since string List messages posted after a certain time (ISO 8601)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl roles#
Promote users to the system admin role, or remove system admin privileges from users.
Promote users to the system admin role:
mmctl roles system_admin [users] [flags]
Remove system admin privileges:
mmctl roles member [users] [flags]
Promote a user to the system admin role:
mmctl roles system_admin john_doe
Promote multiple users to the system admin role:
mmctl roles system_admin john_doe jane_doe
Remove system admin privileges from a user:
mmctl roles member john_doe
Remove system admin privileges from multiple users:
mmctl roles member john_doe jane_doe
-h, --help help for roles
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl saml#
SAML-related utilities.
- Child Commands
mmctl saml auth-data-reset - Reset AuthData field to Email
-h, --help help for system
mmctl saml auth-data-reset#
Resets the AuthData field for SAML users to their email. Run this utility after setting the ‘id’ SAML attribute to an empty value.
mmctl saml auth-data-reset [flags]
# Reset all SAML users' AuthData field to their email, including deleted users
$ mmctl saml auth-data-reset --include-deleted
# Show how many users would be affected by the reset
$ mmctl saml auth-data-reset --dry-run
# Skip confirmation for resetting the AuthData
$ mmctl saml auth-data-reset -y
# Only reset the AuthData for the following SAML users
$ mmctl saml auth-data-reset --users userid1,userid2
--dry-run Dry run only
-h, --help help for auth-data-reset
--include-deleted Include deleted users
--users strings Comma-separated list of user IDs to which the operation will be applied
-y, --yes Skip confirmation
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl sampledata#
Generate a sample data file and store it locally, or directly import it to the remote server.
mmctl sampledata [flags]
# You can create a sampledata file and store it locally
$ mmctl sampledata --bulk sampledata-file.jsonl
# Or you can simply print it to the STDOUT
$ mmctl sampledata --bulk -
# You can customize the amount of entities to create
$ mmctl sampledata -t 7 -u 20 -g 4
# The sampledata file can be directly imported into the remote server by not specifying a ``--bulk``` flag
$ mmctl sampledata
# Sample users can be created with profile pictures
$ mmctl sampledata --profile-images ./images/profiles
-b, --bulk string Optional. Path to write a JSONL bulk file instead of uploading into the remote server.
--channel-memberships int The number of sample channel memberships per user in a team. (default 5)
--channels-per-team int The number of sample channels per team. (default 10)
--deactivated-users int The number of deactivated users.
--direct-channels int The number of sample direct message channels. (default 30)
--group-channels int The number of sample group message channels. (default 15)
-g, --guests int The number of sample guests. (default 1)
-h, --help help for sampledata
--posts-per-channel int The number of sample post per channel. (default 100)
--posts-per-direct-channel int The number of sample posts per direct message channel. (default 15)
--posts-per-group-channel int The number of sample posts per group message channel. (default 30)
--profile-images string Optional. Path to folder with images to randomly pick as user profile image.
-s, --seed int Seed used for generating the random data (Different seeds generate different data). (default 1)
--team-memberships int The number of sample team memberships per user. (default 2)
-t, --teams int The number of sample teams. (default 2)
-u, --users int The number of sample users. (default 15)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl system#
System management commands for interacting with the server state and configuration.
- Child Commands
mmctl system clearbusy - Clear the busy state
mmctl system getbusy - Get the current busy state
mmctl system setbusy - Set the busy state to
mmctl system status - Print the status of the server
mmctl system supportpacket - Download a Support Packet
mmctl system version - Print the remote server version build number
-h, --help help for system
mmctl system clearbusy#
Clear the busy state which re-enables non-critical services.
mmctl system clearbusy [flags]
mmctl system clearbusy
-h, --help help for clearbusy
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl system getbusy#
Get the server busy state (high load) and timestamp corresponding to when the server busy flag will be automatically cleared.
mmctl system getbusy [flags]
mmctl system getbusy
-h, --help help for getbusy
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl system setbusy#
Set the busy state to true
for the specified number of seconds which disables non-critical services.
mmctl system setbusy -s [seconds] [flags]
mmctl system setbusy -s 3600
-h, --help help for setbusy
-s, --seconds uint Number of seconds until server is automatically marked as not busy (default 3600)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl system status#
Print the server status which is calculated using several basic server healthchecks.
mmctl system status [flags]
mmctl system status
-h, --help help for status
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl system supportpacket#
Generate and download a Support Packet of the Mattermost server to share with Mattermost Support.
mmctl system supportpacket [flags]
mmctl system supportpacket
-h, --help help for version
-o, --output-file string Output file name. Default is ````.
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl system version#
Print the server version build number of the currently connected Mattermost instance.
mmctl system version [flags]
mmctl system version
-h, --help help for version
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team#
Manage teams.
When specifying team names within mmctl commands, you must use the team-URL
version of the team name, rather than the display name you see in the channel sidebar. Your team-URL
does not contain spaces. Run the mmctl team list command to return a list of all teams on the server in team-URL
format. See the team name and URL selection documentation for details.
- Child Commands
mmctl team archive - Archive some teams
mmctl team create - Create teams
mmctl team delete - Delete teams
mmctl team list - List teams
mmctl team modify - Modify teams
mmctl team rename - Rename teams
mmctl team restore - Restore teams
mmctl team search - Search teams
mmctl team users - Manage team users
-h, --help help for team
mmctl team archive#
Archive a team along with all related information including posts from the database.
mmctl team archive [teams] [flags]
mmctl team archive myteam
--confirm Confirm you really want to archive the team and a database backup has been performed
-h, --help help for archive
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team create#
Create a team.
mmctl team create [flags]
mmctl team create --name mynewteam --display_name "My New Team"
mmctl team create --name private --display_name "My New Private Team" --private
--display_name string Team Display Name
--email string Administrator Email (anyone with this email is automatically a team admin)
-h, --help help for create
--name string Team Name
--private Create a private team
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team delete#
Permanently delete a team along with all related information including posts from the database.
Requires the Enable API Team Deletion configuration setting to be set to true
. If this configuration setting is set to false
, attempting to delete the team using mmctl fails.
mmctl team delete [teams] [flags]
mmctl team delete myteam
--confirm Confirm you really want to delete the team and a database backup has been performed
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team list#
List all teams on the server.
mmctl team list [flags]
mmctl team list
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team modify#
Modify a team’s privacy setting to public or private.
mmctl team modify [teams] [flag] [flags]
mmctl team modify myteam --private
-h, --help help for modify
--private Modify team to be private
--public Modify team to be public
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team rename#
Rename an existing team.
mmctl team rename [team] [flags]
mmctl team rename old-team --display_name 'New Display Name'
--display_name string Team Display Name
-h, --help help for rename
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team restore#
Restore archived teams.
mmctl team restore [teams] [flags]
mmctl team restore myteam
-h, --help help for restore
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team search#
Search for teams based on name.
mmctl team search [teams] [flags]
mmctl team search team1
-h, --help help for search
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team users#
Manage team users.
- Child Commands
mmctl team users add - Add users to a team
mmctl team users remove - Remove users from a team
-h, --help help for token
mmctl team users add#
Add specified users to a team.
mmctl team users add [team] [users] [flags]
mmctl team users add myteam username
-h, --help help for add
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl team users remove#
Remove specified users from a team.
mmctl team users remove [team] [users] [flags]
mmctl team users remove myteam username
-h, --help help for remove
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl token#
Manage users’ access tokens.
- Child Commands
mmctl token generate - Generate token for a user
mmctl token list - List users’ tokens
mmctl token revoke - Revoke tokens for a user
-h, --help help for token
mmctl token generate#
Generate token for a user.
mmctl token generate [user] [description] [flags]
mmctl generate testuser test-token
-h, --help help for generate
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl token list#
List the tokens belonging to a user.
mmctl token list [user] [flags]
mmctl user tokens testuser
--active List only active tokens (default true)
--all Fetch all tokens. --page flag will be ignore if provided
-h, --help help for list
--inactive List only inactive tokens
--page int Page number to fetch for the list of users
--per-page int Number of users to be fetched (maximum 200)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl token revoke#
Revoke tokens for a user.
mmctl token revoke [token-ids] [flags]
mmctl revoke testuser test-token-id
-h, --help help for revoke
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user#
Manage users.
- Child Commands
mmctl user activate - Activate a user
mmctl user change-password - Change a user’s password
mmctl user convert - Convert users to bots or convert bots to users
mmctl user create - Create user
mmctl user deactivate - Deactivate user
mmctl user delete - Delete users
mmctl user deleteall - Delete all users and all posts (local command only)
mmctl user demote - Demote users to guests
mmctl user email - Set user email
mmctl user invite - Invite user
mmctl user list - List users
mmctl user migrate-auth - Bulk migrate user accounts authentication type
mmctl user preference - Manage user preferences
mmctl user promote - Promote guests to users
mmctl user reset-password - Reset user password
mmctl user resetmfa - Reset a user’s MFA token
mmctl user search - Search for a user
mmctl user username - Change username of the user
mmctl user verify - Mark user’s email as verified
-h, --help help for user
mmctl user activate#
Activate users that have been deactivated.
mmctl user activate [emails, usernames, userIds] [flags]
mmctl user activate
mmctl user activate username
-h, --help help for activate
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user change-password#
Change the password of a user to the one provided. If the user is changing their own password, the flag --current
must indicate the current password. The flag --hashed
can be used to indicate that the new password has been introduced as already hashed.
mmctl user change-password <user> [flags]
# If you have system permissions, you can change other user's passwords
$ mmctl user change-password john_doe --password new-password
# If you are changing your own password, you need to provide the current one
$ mmctl user change-password my-username --current current-password --password new-password
# You can ommit these flags to introduce them interactively
$ mmctl user change-password my-username
Are you changing your own password? (YES/NO): YES
Current password:
New password:
# If you have system permissions, you can update the password with the already hashed new
# password. The hashing method should be the same that the server uses internally.
$ mmctl user change-password john_doe --password HASHED_PASSWORD --hashed
-c, --current string The current password of the user. Use only if changing your own password
--hashed The supplied password is already hashed
-h, --help help for change-password
-p, --password string The new password for the user
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user convert#
Convert user accounts to bots, or convert bots to user accounts.
mmctl user convert (--bot [emails] [usernames] [userIds] | --user <username> --password PASSWORD [--email EMAIL]) [flags]
# You can convert a user to a bot providing an email, an ID, or a username
$ mmctl user convert --bot
# Or you can convert multiple users at a time
$ mmctl user convert anotherUser --bot
# You can convert a bot to a user and specify the email and password that the user will have after conversion
$ mmctl user convert botusername --email --password password --user
--bot If supplied, convert users to bots
--email string The email address for the converted user account. Required when the "bot" flag is set
--firstname string The first name for the converted user account. Required when the "bot" flag is set
-h, --help help for convert
--lastname string The last name for the converted user account. Required when the "bot" flag is set
--locale string The locale (e.g., EN, FR) for the converted new user account. Required when the "bot" flag is set
--nickname string The nickname for the converted user account. Required when the "bot" flag is set
--password string The password for converted new user account. Required when "user" flag is set
--system_admin If supplied, the converted user will be a system admin. Defaults to false. Required when the "bot" flag is set
--user If supplied, convert a bot to a user
--username string Username for the converted user account. Required when the "bot" flag is set
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user create#
Create a user.
mmctl user create [flags]
# You can create a user
$ mmctl user create --email --username userexample --password Password1
# You can define optional fields like first name, last name, and nickname
$ mmctl user create --email --username userexample --password Password1 --firstname User --lastname Example --nickname userex
# You can also create the user as a system sdmin
$ mmctl user create --email --username userexample --password Password1 --system-admin
# You can verify user on creation if you have the correct permissions
$ mmctl user create --email --username userexample --password Password1 --system-admin --email-verified
--disable-welcome-email Optional. If supplied, the new user will not receive a welcome email. Defaults to false
--email string Required. The email address for the new user account
--email-verified Optional. If supplied, the new user will have the email verified. Defaults to false
--firstname string Optional. The first name for the new user account
--guest Optional. If supplied, the new user will be a guest. Defaults to false
-h, --help help for create
--lastname string Optional. The last name for the new user account
--locale string Optional. The locale (ex: en, fr) for the new user account
--nickname string Optional. The nickname for the new user account
--password string Required. The password for the new user account
--system-admin Optional. If supplied, the new user will be a system administrator. Defaults to false
--username string Required. Username for the new user account
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user deactivate#
Deactivate users. Deactivated users are immediately logged out of all sessions and are unable to log back in.
mmctl user deactivate [emails, usernames, userIds] [flags]
mmctl user deactivate
mmctl user deactivate username
-h, --help help for deactivate
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user delete#
Permanently delete users along with all related information including posts from the database.
Requires the Enable API User Deletion configuration setting to be set to true
. If this configuration setting is set to false
, attempting to delete the user using mmctl fails.
mmctl user delete [users] [flags]
mmctl user delete
--confirm Confirm you really want to delete the user and a database backup has been performed
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user deleteall#
Permanently delete all users and all related information including posts. This command can only be run in local mode.
mmctl user deleteall [flags]
mmctl user deleteall
--confirm Confirm you really want to delete the user and a database backup has been performed
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user demote#
Demote a user to a guest.
mmctl user demote [users] [flags]
mmctl user demote user1 user2
-h, --help help for demote
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user email#
Change the email address associated with a user.
mmctl user email [user] [new email] [flags]
mmctl user email testuser
-h, --help help for email
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user invite#
Send an email invite to a user to join a team. You can invite a user to multiple teams by listing them. You can specify teams by name or ID.
mmctl user invite [email] [teams] [flags]
mmctl user invite myteam
mmctl user invite myteam1 myteam2
-h, --help help for invite
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user list#
List all users.
mmctl user list [flags]
mmctl user list
--all Fetch all users. --page flag will be ignore if provided
-h, --help help for list
--page int Page number to fetch for the list of users
--per-page int Number of users to be fetched (maximum 200)
--team string If supplied, only users belonging to this team will be listed
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user migrate-auth#
Migrate accounts from one authentication provider to another. For example, you can upgrade your authentication provider from email to LDAP.
mmctl user migrate-auth [from_auth] [to_auth] [migration-options] [flags]
- from_auth:
The authentication service to migrate users accounts from. Supported options: email, gitlab, google, ldap, office365, saml.
- to_auth:
The authentication service to migrate users to. Supported options: ldap, saml.
- migration-options (ldap):
- match_field:
The field that is guaranteed to be the same in both authentication services. For example, if the users emails are consistent set to email. Supported options: email, username.
- migration-options (saml):
- users_file:
The path of a json file with the usernames and emails of all users to migrate to SAML. The username and email must be the same that the SAML service provider store. And the email must match with the email in mattermost database.
Example json content: { "": "", "": "usr.two" }
mmctl user migrate-auth email saml users.json
user.json Example
"email": "",
"auth_data": {
"saml": {
"idp_id": "saml_idp_1",
"saml_user_id": "user123"
"email": "",
"auth_data": {
"saml": {
"idp_id": "saml_idp_2",
"saml_user_id": "user456"
--auto Automatically migrate all users. Assumes the usernames and emails are identical between Mattermost and SAML services. (saml only)
--confirm Confirm you really want to proceed with auto migration. (saml only)
--force Force the migration to occur even if there are duplicates on the LDAP server. Duplicates will not be migrated. (ldap only)
-h, --help help for migrate-auth
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user preference#
Manage user preferences.
- Child Commands
mmctl user preference get - Get a specific user preference
mmctl user preference list - List user preferences
mmctl user preference set - Set a specific user preference
mmctl user preference delete - Delete a specific user preference
-h, --help help for auth
mmctl user preference get#
Get a specific user preference.
mmctl user preference get --category [category] --name [name] [users] [flags]
preference get --category display_settings --name use_military_time
-c, --category string The category of the preference
-h, --help help for get
-n, --name string The name of the preference
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user preference list#
List user preferences.
mmctl user preference list [--category category] [users] [flags]
preference list
-c, --category string The optional category by which to filter
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user preference set#
Set a specific user preference.
mmctl user preference set --category [category] --name [name] --value [value] [users] [flags]
preference set --category display_settings --name use_military_time --value true
-c, --category string The category of the preference
-h, --help help for set
-n, --name string The name of the preference
-v, --value string The value of the preference
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user preference delete#
Delete a specific user preference.
mmctl user preference delete --category [category] --name [name] [users] [flags]
preference delete --category display_settings --name use_military_time
-c, --category string The category of the preference
-h, --help help for delete
-n, --name string The name of the preference
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user promote#
Promote a guest to a user.
mmctl user promote [guests] [flags]
mmctl user promote guest1 guest2
-h, --help help for promote
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user reset-password#
Send users an email to reset their password.
mmctl user reset-password [users] [flags]
mmctl user reset-password
-h, --help help for reset-password
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user resetmfa#
Turn off multi-factor authentication for a user. If MFA enforcement is enabled, the user will be forced to re-enable MFA as soon as they log in.
mmctl user resetmfa [users] [flags]
mmctl user resetmfa
-h, --help help for resetmfa
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user search#
Search for users based on username, email, or user ID.
mmctl user search [users] [flags]
mmctl user search
-h, --help help for search
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user username#
Change the username of the user.
mmctl user username [user] [new username] [flags]
mmctl user username testuser newusername
-h, --help help for version
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl user verify#
Mark user’s email as verified without requiring user to complete email verification path.
mmctl user verify [users] [flags]
mmctl user verify user1
-h, --help help for version
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl version#
Print the version of mmctl.
mmctl version [flags]
-h, --help help for version
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl webhook#
Manage webhooks.
- Child Commands
mmctl webhook create-incoming - Create an incoming webhook
mmctl webhook create-outgoing - Create an outgoing webhook
mmctl webhook delete - Delete webhooks
mmctl webhook list - List webhooks
mmctl webhook modify-incoming - Modify an incoming webhook
mmctl webhook modify-outgoing - Modify an outgoing webhook
mmctl webhook show - Show a webhook
-h, --help help for webhook
mmctl webhook create-incoming#
Create an incoming webhook to allow external posting of messages to a specific channel.
mmctl webhook create-incoming [flags]
mmctl webhook create-incoming --channel [channelID] --user [userID] --display-name [displayName] --description [webhookDescription] --lock-to-channel --icon [iconURL]
--channel string Channel name or ID of the new webhook
--description string Incoming webhook description
--display-name string Incoming webhook display name
-h, --help help for create-incoming
--icon string Icon URL
--lock-to-channel Lock to channel
--user string The username, email, or ID of the user that the webhook should post as
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl webhook create-outgoing#
Create an outgoing webhook to allow external posting of messages from a specific channel.
mmctl webhook create-outgoing [flags]
mmctl webhook create-outgoing --team myteam --user myusername --display-name mywebhook --trigger-word "build" --trigger-word "test" --url http://localhost:8000/my-webhook-handler
mmctl webhook create-outgoing --team myteam --channel mychannel --user myusername --display-name mywebhook --description "My cool webhook" --trigger-when start --trigger-word build --trigger-word test --icon http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler-bot-icon.png --url http://localhost:8000/my-webhook-handler --content-type "application/json"
--channel string Channel name or ID
--content-type string Content-type
--description string Outgoing webhook description
--display-name string Outgoing webhook display name
-h, --help help for create-outgoing
--icon string Icon URL
--team string Team name or ID (required)
--trigger-when string When to trigger webhook (exact: for first word matches a trigger word exactly, start: for first word starts with a trigger word) (default "exact")
--trigger-word stringArray Word to trigger webhook (required)
--url stringArray Callback URL (required)
--user string The username, email, or ID of the user that the webhook should post as (required)
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl webhook delete#
Delete a webhook with a given ID.
mmctl webhook delete [flags]
mmctl webhook delete [webhookID]
-h, --help help for delete
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl webhook list#
Print a list of all webhooks.
mmctl webhook list [flags]
mmctl webhook list myteam
-h, --help help for list
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl webhook modify-incoming#
Modify an existing incoming webhook by changing its title, description, channel, or icon URL.
mmctl webhook modify-incoming [flags]
mmctl webhook modify-incoming [webhookID] --channel [channelID] --display-name [displayName] --description [webhookDescription] --lock-to-channel --icon [iconURL]
--channel string Channel ID
--description string Incoming webhook description
--display-name string Incoming webhook display name
-h, --help help for modify-incoming
--icon string Icon URL
--lock-to-channel Lock to channel
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl webhook modify-outgoing#
Modify an existing outgoing webhook by changing its title, description, channel, icon, url, content-type, or triggers.
mmctl webhook modify-outgoing [flags]
mmctl webhook modify-outgoing [webhookId] --channel [channelId] --display-name [displayName] --description "New webhook description" --icon http://localhost:8000/my-slash-handler-bot-icon.png --url http://localhost:8000/my-webhook-handler --content-type "application/json" --trigger-word test --trigger-when start
--channel string Channel name or ID
--content-type string Content-type
--description string Outgoing webhook description
--display-name string Outgoing webhook display name
-h, --help help for modify-outgoing
--icon string Icon URL
--trigger-when string When to trigger webhook (exact: for first word matches a trigger word exactly, start: for first word starts with a trigger word)
--trigger-word stringArray Word to trigger webhook
--url stringArray Callback URL
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl webhook show#
Show the webhook specified by [webhookId]
mmctl webhook show [webhookId] [flags]
mmctl webhook show w16zb5tu3n1zkqo18goqry1je
-h, --help help for show
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages
mmctl websocket#
Display websocket in a human-readable format.
mmctl websocket [flags]
-h, --help help for websocket
Options inherited from parent commands
--config string path to the configuration file (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mmctl/config")
--disable-pager disables paged output
--insecure-sha1-intermediate allows to use insecure TLS protocols, such as SHA-1
--insecure-tls-version allows to use TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1
--json the output format will be in json format
--local allows communicating with the server through a unix socket
--quiet prevent mmctl to generate output for the commands
--strict will only run commands if the mmctl version matches the server one
--suppress-warnings disables printing warning messages