Authentication configuration settings#
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Mattermost supports up to 4 distinct, concurrent methods of user authentication:
An OpenID provider
A SAML provider
An LDAP instance (e.g., Active Directory, OpenLDAP)
Email and Password
Review and manage the following authentication configuration options in the System Console by selecting the Product menu, selecting System Console, and then selecting Authentication:
System admins managing a self-hosted Mattermost deployment can edit the config.json
file as described in the following tables. Each configuration value below includes a JSON path to access the value programmatically in the config.json
file using a JSON-aware tool. For example, the EnableUserCreation
value is under TeamSettings
If using a tool such as jq, you’d enter:
cat config/config.json | jq '.TeamSettings.EnableUserCreation'
When working with the
file manually, look for an object such asTeamSettings
, then within that object, find the keyEnableUserCreation
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Authentication > Signup.
Enable account creation#
LDAP and SAML users can always create a Mattermost account by logging in using LDAP or SAML user credentials, regardless of whether this configuration setting is enabled.
Restrict account creation to specified email domains#
This setting limits the email address domains that can be used to create a new account or team. You must set Require Email Verification to String input of a comma-separated list of domains, i.e. |
Enable open server#
Enable email invitations#
Cloud admins can’t modify this configuration setting.
Invalidate pending email invites#
This button invalidates email invitations that have not been accepted (by default, invitations expire after 48 hours). This option has no |
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Authentication > Email.
Enable account creation with email#
Cloud admins can’t modify this configuration setting.
Require email verification#
Enable sign-in with email#
To provide users with only a single email sign in option on the login page, ensure that the enable sign-in with username configuration setting is set to false.
Enable sign-in with username#
We highly recommended that email-based authentication is only used in small teams on private networks.
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Authentication > Password.
Minimum password length#
This setting determines the minimum number of characters in passwords. It must be a whole number greater than or equal to 5 and less than or equal to 72. Numerical input. Default is 5. |
Password requirements#
This setting controls password character requirements. By checking the corresponding box, passwords must contain:
The error message previewed in the System Console will appear if the user attempts to set an invalid password. The default for all boxes is unchecked. The default for all settings in |
Maximum login attempts#
This setting determines the number of failed sign-in attempts a user can make before being locked out and required to go through a password reset by email. Numerical input. Default is 10. |
Enable forgot password link#
You can customize the Forgot Password link URL by going to Site Configuration > Customization > Forgot Password Custom Link. See the configuration documentation for details.
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Authentication > MFA.
We recommend deploying Mattermost within your own private network, and using VPN clients for mobile access, so that Mattermost is secured with your existing protocols. If you choose to run Mattermost outside your private network, bypassing your existing security protocols, we recommend adding a multi-factor authentication service specifically for accessing Mattermost.
Enable multi-factor authentication#
Enforce multi-factor authentication#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
If your system has users who authenticate with methods other than AD/LDAP and email, MFA must be enforced with the authentication provider outside of Mattermost.
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Authentication > AD/LDAP.
Enable sign-in with AD/LDAP#
Enable synchronization with AD/LDAP#
Synchronization with AD/LDAP settings in the System Console can be used to determine the connectivity and availability of arbitrary hosts. System admins concerned about this can use custom admin roles to limit access to modifying these settings. See the delegated granular administration documentation for details.
Login field name#
This setting will display placeholder text in the login field of the sign-in page. This text can remind users to sign-in with their AD/LDAP credentials. String input. Default is |
AD/LDAP server#
This is the domain name or IP address of the AD/LDAP server. String input. |
Synchronization with AD/LDAP settings in the System Console can be used to determine the connectivity and availability of arbitrary hosts. System admins concerned about this can use custom admin roles to limit access to modifying these settings. See the delegated granular administration documentation for details.
AD/LDAP port#
This is the port Mattermost uses to connect to the AD/LDAP server. Numerical input. Default is 389. |
Connection security#
This setting controls the type of security Mattermost uses to connect to the AD/LDAP server, with these options:
Skip certificate verification#
Private key#
Use this setting to upload the private key file from your LDAP authentication provider, if TLS client certificates are the primary authentication mechanism. String input. |
Public certificate#
Use this setting to upload the public TLS certificate from your LDAP authentication provider, if TLS client certificates are the primary authentication mechanism. String input. |
Bind username#
This is the username for the account Mattermost utilizes to perform an AD/LDAP search. This should be an account specific to Mattermost. Limit the permissions of the account to read-only access to the portion of the AD/LDAP tree specified in the Base DN setting. When using Active Directory, Bind Username should specify domain in String input. |
This field is required. Anonymous bind is not currently supported.
Bind password#
This is the password for the username given in the Bind Username setting. String input. |
Base DN#
This is the Base Distinguished Name of the location in the AD/LDAP tree where Mattermost will start searching for users. String input. |
User filter#
This setting accepts a general syntax AD/LDAP filter that is applied when searching for user objects. Only the users selected by the query can access Mattermost. For example, to filter out disabled users, the filter is: To filter by group membership, determine the String input. |
This filter uses the permissions of the Bind Username account to execute the search. This account should be specific to Mattermost and have read-only access to the portion of the AD/LDAP tree specified in the Base DN field.
Group filter#
Available only on Enterprise plans
This setting accepts a general syntax AD/LDAP filter that is applied when searching for group objects. Only the groups selected by the query can access Mattermost. String input. Default is |
This filter is only used when AD/LDAP Group Sync is enabled. See AD/LDAP Group Sync for more information.
Enable admin filter#
If this setting is false
, no additional users are designated as system admins by the filter. Users that were previously designated as system admins retain this role unless the filter is changed or removed.
Admin filter#
This setting accepts an AD/LDAP filter that designates the selected users as system admins. Users are promoted to this role on their next sign-in or on the next scheduled AD/LDAP sync. If the Admin Filter is removed, users who are currently logged in retain their Admin role until their next sign-in. String input. |
Guest filter#
This setting accepts an AD/LDAP filter to apply when searching for external users with Guest Access to Mattermost. Only users selected by the query can access Mattermost as Guests. See Guest Accounts for more information. String input. |
ID attribute#
This is the attribute in the AD/LDAP server that is serves as a unique user identifier in Mattermost. The attribute should have a unique value that does not change, such as String input. |
If a user’s ID Attribute changes, a new Mattermost account is created that is not associated with the previous account. If you need to change this field after users have signed-in, use the mmctl ldap idmigrate command.
Login ID attribute#
This is the attribute in the AD/LDAP server that is used for signing-in to Mattermost. This is normally the same as the Username Attribute. If your team uses String input. |
Username attribute#
This is the attribute in the AD/LDAP server that populates the username field in Mattermost. This attribute identifies users in the UI. For example, if a Username Attribute is set to This is normally the same as the Login ID Attribute, but it can be mapped to a different attribute. String input. |
Email attribute#
This is the attribute in AD/LDAP server that populates the email address field in Mattermost. Email notifications are sent to this address. The address may be seen by other Mattermost users depending on privacy settings. String input. |
First name attribute#
This is the attribute in the AD/LDAP server that populates the first name field in Mattermost. When set, users cannot edit their first name. When not set, users can edit their first name in their profile settings. String input. |
Last name attribute#
This is the attribute in the AD/LDAP server that populates the last name field in Mattermost. When set, users cannot edit their last name. When not set, users can edit their last name as part of their profile settings. String input. |
Nickname attribute#
This is the attribute in the AD/LDAP server that populates the nickname field in Mattermost. When set, users cannot edit their nickname. When not set, users can edit their nickname as part of their profile settings. String input. |
Position attribute#
This is the attribute in the AD/LDAP server that populates the position field in Mattermost. When set, users cannot edit their position. When not set, users can edit their position as part of their profile settings. String input. |
Profile picture attribute#
This is the attribute in the AD/LDAP server that syncs and locks the profile picture in Mattermost. The image is updated when users sign-in, not when Mattermost syncs with the AD/LDAP server. The image is not updated if the Mattermost image already matches the AD/LDAP image. String input. |
Group display name attribute#
Available only on Enterprise plans
This is the AD/LDAP Group Display name attribute that populates the Mattermost group name field. String input. |
This attribute is only used when AD/LDAP Group Sync is enabled and it is required. See the AD/LDAP Group Sync documentation for more information.
Group ID attribute#
Available only on Enterprise plans
This is an AD/LDAP Group ID attribute that sets a unique identifier for groups. This should be a value that does not change, such as String input. |
This attribute is only used when AD/LDAP Group Sync is enabled and it is required. See the AD/LDAP Group Sync documentation for more information.
Synchronization interval (minutes)#
This value determines how often Mattermost syncs with the AD/LDAP server by setting the number of minutes between each sync. Syncing with the AD/LDAP server will update Mattermost accounts to match any changes made to AD/LDAP attributes. Disabled AD/LDAP accounts become deactivated users in Mattermost, and any active sessions are revoked. Use the AD/LDAP Synchronize Now button to immediately revoke a session after disabling an AD/LDAP account. Numerical input. Default is 60. |
LDAP syncs require a large number of database read queries. Monitor database load and adjust the sync interval to minimize performance degradation.
Maximum page size#
This setting paginates the results of AD/LDAP server queries. Use this setting if your AD/LDAP server has a page size limit. The recommended setting is 1500. This is the default AD/LDAP A page size of 0 disables pagination of results. Numerical input. Default is 0. |
Query timeout (seconds)#
This setting determines the timeout period, in seconds, for AD/LDAP queries. Increase this value to avoid timeout errors when querying a slow server. Numerical input. Default is 60. |
AD/LDAP test#
Use this button to test the connection to the AD/LDAP server. If the test succeeds, a confirmation message is displayed. If the test fails, an error message is displayed. |
AD/LDAP synchronize now#
Use this button to immediately sync with the AD/LDAP server. The status of the sync is displayed in the table underneath the button (see the figure below). Following a manual sync, the next sync will occur after the time set in the Synchronization Interval. |
If a sync is Pending
and does not complete, check that Enable Synchronization with AD/LDAP is set to true

SAML 2.0#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Authentication > SAML 2.0.
In line with Microsoft ADFS guidance, we recommend configuring intranet forms-based authentication for devices that do not support WIA.
Enable login with SAML#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
Enable synchronizing SAML accounts with AD/LDAP#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
See AD/LDAP Setup to learn more. |
Ignore guest users when synchronizing with AD/LDAP#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
For more information, see AD/LDAP Setup for details. |
Override SAML bind data with AD/LDAP information#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
For more information, see AD/LDAP Setup for details. |
This setting should be false unless LDAP sync is enabled. Changing this setting from true to false will disable the override.
SAML IDs must match LDAP IDs when the override is enabled.
Identity provider metadata URL#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting is the URL from which Mattermost requests setup metadata from the provider. String input. |
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting is the URL where Mattermost sends a SAML request to start the login sequence. String input. |
Identity provider issuer URL#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting is the issuer URL for the Identity Provider for SAML requests. String input. |
Identity provider public certificate#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
The public authentication certificate issued by your Identity Provider. String input. |
Verify signature#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
Service provider login URL#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
Enter the URL of your Mattermost server, followed by Use HTTP or HTTPS depending on the configuration of the server. This setting is also known as the Assertion Consumer Service URL. |
Service provider identifier#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting is the unique identifier for the Service Provider, which in most cases is the same as the Service Provider Login URL. In ADFS, this must match the Relying Party Identifier. String input. |
Enable encryption#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
Service provider private key#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting stores the private key used to decrypt SAML Assertions from the Identity Provider. String input. |
Service provider public certificate#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting stores the certificate file used to sign a SAML request to the Identity Provider for a SAML login when Mattermost is initiating the login as the Service Provider. String input. |
Sign request#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
Signature algorithm#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting determines the signature algorithm used to sign the SAML request. Options are: String input. |
Canonical algorithm#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting determines the canonicalization algorithm. With these options:
String input. |
Email attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting determines the attribute from the SAML Assertion that populates the user email address field in Mattermost. Notifications are sent to this email address. This email address may be visible to other users, depending on how the system admin has set-up user privacy. String input. |
Username attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
This setting determines the SAML Assertion attribute that populates the username field in the Mattermost UI. This attribute identifies users in the UI. For example, if a username is set to String input. |
Id attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
(Optional) This setting determines the SAML Assertion attribute used to bind users from SAML to users in Mattermost. String input. |
Guest attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
(Optional) This setting determines the SAML Assertion attribute used to apply a Guest role to users in Mattermost. See the Guest Accounts documentation for more information. String input. |
Enable admin attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
Admin attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
(Optional) This setting determines the attribute in the SAML Assertion for designating system admins. Users are automatically promoted to this role when logging in to Mattermost. If the Admin attribute is removed, users that are logged in retain Admin status. The role is revoked only when users log out. String input. |
First name attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
(Optional) This setting determines the SAML Assertion attribute that populates the first name of users in Mattermost. String input. |
Last name attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
(Optional) This setting determines the SAML Assertion attribute that populates the last name of users in Mattermost. String input. |
Nickname attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
(Optional) This setting determines the SAML Assertion attribute that populates the nickname of users in Mattermost. String input. |
Position attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
(Optional) This setting determines the SAML Assertion attribute that populates the position (job title or role at company) of users in Mattermost. String input. |
Preferred language attribute#
Available only on Enterprise and Professional plans
(Optional) This setting determines the SAML Assertion attribute that populates the language preference of users in Mattermost. String input. |
OAuth 2.0#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Authentication > OAuth 2.0. Settings for GitLab OAuth authentication can also be accessed under Authentication > GitLab in self-hosted deployments.
Use these settings to configure OAuth 2.0 for account creation and login.
Select OAuth 2.0 service provider#
Use this setting to enable OAuth and specify the service provider, with these options:
GitLab OAuth 2.0 settings#
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
For Enterprise subscriptions, GitLab settings can be found under OAuth 2.0
Enable OAuth 2.0 authentication with GitLab#
GitLab OAuth 2.0 Application ID#
This setting holds the OAuth Application ID from GitLab. Generate the ID by these steps:
String input. |
GitLab provides the Application Secret Key along with the the ID.
GitLab OAuth 2.0 Application secret key#
This setting holds the OAuth Application Secret Key from GitLab. The key is generated at the same time as the Application ID (see GitLab OAuth 2.0 Application ID). Enter the key provided by GitLab in the Mattermost System Console field, String input. |
GitLab OAuth 2.0 site URL#
This setting holds the URL of your GitLab instance, e.g. |
GitLab OAuth 2.0 User API endpoint#
This setting holds the URL of your GitLab User API endpoint, e.g. Enter the URL in the Mattermost System Console field, String input. |
GitLab OAuth 2.0 Auth endpoint#
This setting holds the URL of your GitLab Auth endpoint, e.g. Enter the URL in the Mattermost System Console field, String input. |
GitLab OAuth 2.0 Token endpoint#
This setting holds the URL of your GitLab OAuth Token endpoint, e.g. Enter the URL in the Mattermost System Console field, String input. |
Google OAuth 2.0 settings#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Enable OAuth 2.0 authentication with Google#
See Google Single Sign-On implementation instructions. |
Google OAuth 2.0 Client ID#
This setting stores the OAuth Client ID from Google. Generate the ID by going to the Credentials section of the Google Cloud Platform APIs & Services menu and selecting Create Credentials > OAuth client ID. See Google Single Sign-On for instructions that can be used to implement Google OAuth or OpenID authentication. String input. |
Google OAuth 2.0 Client secret#
This setting stores the OAuth Client Secret from Google. The Secret is generated at the same time as the Client ID. String input. |
Google OAuth 2.0 User API endpoint#
We recommend String input. |
Google OAuth 2.0 Auth endpoint#
We recommend String input. |
Google OAuth 2.0 Token endpoint#
We recommend String input. |
Entra ID OAuth 2.0 settings#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
In line with Microsoft ADFS guidance we recommend configuring intranet forms-based authentication for devices that do not support WIA.
Enable OAuth 2.0 Authentication with Entra ID#
See the Entra ID Single Sign-On documentation for details.
Entra ID OAuth 2.0 Application ID#
This setting holds the Application ID generated when configuring Entra ID as a Single Sign-On service through the Microsoft Azure Portal. String input. |
See the Entra ID Single Sign-On documentation for details.
Entra ID OAuth 2.0 Application secret password#
This setting holds the Application Secret Password generated when configuring Entra ID as a Single Sign-On service through the Microsoft Azure Portal. String input. |
See the Entra ID Single Sign-On documentation for details.
Entra ID OAuth 2.0 Directory (tenant) ID#
This setting holds the Directory (tenant) ID set for Mattermost through the Azure Portal. String input. |
See the Entra ID Single Sign-On documentation for details.
Entra ID OAuth 2.0 User API endpoint#
We recommend String input. |
Entra ID OAuth 2.0 Auth endpoint#
We recommend String input. |
Entra ID OAuth 2.0 Token endpoint#
We recommend String input. |
OpenID Connect#
Available on all plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Authentication > OpenID Connect.
Select OpenID Connect service provider#
Use this setting to enable OpenID Connect, with these options:
GitLab OpenID is available in all plans. All other providers require Mattermost Enterprise or Professional.
GitLab OpenID settings#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Enable OpenID Connect authentication with GitLab#
See the GitLab Single Sign-On documentation for details.
GitLab OpenID site URL#
This setting stores the URL of your GitLab instance, e.g. String input. |
See Step 2 of the GitLab Single Sign-On documentation for details.
GitLab OpenID Discovery endpoint#
This setting is prepopulated with the Discovery Endpoint for GitLab OpenID Connect. String input. Default is |
See Step 2 of the GitLab Single Sign-On documentation for details.
GitLab OpenID Client ID#
This setting stores the Application ID generated by GitLab. String input. |
See Step 2 of the GitLab Single Sign-On documentation for details.
GitLab OpenID Client secret#
This setting stores the Application Secret Key generated by GitLab. String input. |
See Step 2 of the GitLab Single Sign-On documentation for details.
Google OpenID settings#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Enable OpenID Connect authentication with Google#
true: Allow team creation and account signup using Google OpenID Connect.
false: (Default) Google OpenID Connect cannot be used for team creation or account signup.
See Google Single Sign-On implementation instructions. |
Google OpenID Discovery endpoint#
This setting is prepopulated with the Discovery Endpoint for Google OpenID Connect. See Configure Mattermost for Google Apps SSO. String input. Default is |
Google OpenID Client ID#
This setting stores the Client ID generated by Google. See Google Single Sign-On implementation instructions. String input. |
Google OpenID Client secret#
This setting stores the Client Secret generated by Google. See Google Single Sign-On implementation instructions. String input. |
Entra ID OpenID settings#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
In line with Microsoft ADFS guidance, we recommend configuring intranet forms-based authentication for devices that do not support WIA.
Enable OpenID Connect authentication with Entra ID#
See Entra ID Single Sign-On implementation instructions. |
Entra ID OpenID Directory (tenant) ID#
This setting holds the Directory (tenant) ID set for Mattermost through the Microsoft Azure Portal. See Entra ID Single Sign-On implementation instructions. String input. |
Entra ID OpenID Discovery endpoint#
This setting is prepopulated with the Discovery Endpoint for Entra ID OpenID Connect. See Entra ID Single Sign-On implementation instructions. String input. Default is |
Entra ID Client ID#
This setting stores the Application (client) ID generated through the Microsoft Azure Portal. See Entra ID Single Sign-On implementation instructions. String input. |
Entra ID Client secret#
This setting stores the Client Secret generated through the Microsoft Azure Portal. See Entra ID Single Sign-On implementation instructions. String input. |
OpenID Connect (other) settings#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Enable OpenID Connect authentication with other service providers#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
See OpenID Connect Single Sign-On implementation instructions. |
OpenID Connect (other) Discovery endpoint#
This setting stores the Discovery Endpoint URL from the OpenID provider.
The URL should be in the format of See OpenID Connect Single Sign-On implementation instructions. String input. |
The Discovery Endpoint setting can be used to determine the connectivity and availability of arbitrary hosts. System admins concerned about this can use custom admin roles to limit access to modifying these settings. See the delegated granular administration documentation for details.
OpenID Connect (other) Client ID#
This setting stores the Client ID from the OpenID provider. See OpenID Connect Single Sign-On implementation instructions. String input. |
OpenID Connect (other) Client secret#
This setting stores the Client Secret from the OpenID provider. See OpenID Connect Single Sign-On implementation instructions. String input. |
Guest access#
Available on Enterprise and Professional plans
Cloud and self-hosted deployments
Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Authentication > Guest Access.
Enable guest access#
For billing purposes, activated guest accounts do consume a licensed seat, which is returned when the guest account is deactivated.This means that guest accounts count as a paid user in your Mattermost workspace.
Whitelisted guest domains#
Use this setting to restrict the creation of guest accounts. When set, guest accounts require a verified email address from one of the listed domains. String input of one or more domains, separated by commas. |
Enforce multi-factor authentication#
This setting defaults to false and cannot be changed if MFA isn’t enforced for non-guest users.
Show guest tag#
This configuration setting applies to all Mattermost clients, including web, desktop app, and mobile app. See the guest accounts documentation for details.