Manage your Mattermost profile#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Select your profile picture and select Profile to manage your Mattermost profile, including your name, username, nickname, email, and profile picture.

Profile setting


Full, first, and last name

Your name appears in the direct messages member list and team management modal. By default, you’ll receive mention notifications when someone types your first name in a message.


If your name is configured through a login provider, you’ll need to manage name changes through the login provider.


Usernames are unique identifiers appearing next to all posts. Usernames must begin with a letter, and contain between 3 to 22 lowercase characters made up of numbers, letters, and the symbols ‘.’, ‘-’, and ‘_’.

Pick something easy for teammates to recognize and recall. By default, you will receive mention notifications when someone types your username.


  • To maintain message integrity, changing your username doesn’t update @mentions in posted messages.

  • If your username is configured through a login provider, you’ll need to manage user name username changes through the login provider.


(Optional) Nicknames appear in the direct messages member list and team management modal. Your nickname can be up to 64 characters long.


You won’t be notified when someone types your nickname unless you add it to the Words that Trigger Mentions notifications list as a Notifications preference.


(Optional) Position can be used to describe your role or job title. Your position appears in the profile popup that displays when you select a user’s name in the center channel or right-hand sidebar.


If your position is configured through a login provider, you’ll need to manage position changes through the login provider.


Email is used for signing in, notifications, and password reset.


If your email is configured through an SSO service, you can’t edit your email address, and you’ll receive email notifications to the email you used to sign up to your SSO service. sign up to your SSO service.

Profile picture

Profile pictures appear next to all posts, and you can select your profile picture to access your profile settings. To change your profile picture:

Using the web or the desktop app

  1. Select Edit next to the Profile Picture option.

  2. Choose Select, pick the profile image you want to use, and select Save.

Using the mobile app

  1. Tap your current profile picture.

  2. Take a photo using your device, or select an image to use.


For best results, choose an image that’s at least 128 x 128 pixels in size. Supported image formats include: BMP, JPG, JPEG, and PNG. GIF isn’t supported.