About Mattermost#
Mattermost’s purpose is to accelerate the world’s mission critical work by developing and delivering secure, open core collaboration software providing unrivaled focus, adaptability and resilience to our customers. You’ll find an overview of our products, features, security, integrations, licensing and subscriptions, authentication, and compliance support below.
With Mattermost you can:
Connect and collaborate - Stay connected with your team via 1:1 and group messages, voice calls, and screensharing.
Build repeatable processes - Build and configure repeatable processes with workflow automation to achieve specific and predictable outcomes.
Customize your preferences - Match the way you work by adjusting your notification settings, changing your theme, or updating your profile settings.
This section provides an overview of Mattermost products, features, security, integrations, licensing, subscriptions, authentication, and compliance support.
Product overview - Learn about the Mattermost open source project, self-hosted vs. cloud, and premium Mattermost features.
Use cases - Learn about product use cases.
Security - Mattermost can meet the strictest security requirements and provides the highest level of control over user data.
Zero Trust - Learn how Mattermost helps organizations adopt and implement Zero Trust principles to safeguard their mission-critical communications and collaboration.
Integrations - Mattermost is extensible by design and supports a rich ecosystem of third-party apps and integrations.
Subscription overview - Learn about Mattermost subscriptions, plans, and licenses for both Cloud and self-hosted deployments..
Mattermost releases and life cycle - Learn about Mattermost releases, our recommended practices around deployment updates and ESRs, and what’s changed across server, desktop, and mobile releases.
Corporate directory integrations - Mattermost integrates with all major account providers via Active Directory, SAML, and OAuth.
Certifications and compliance - Mattermost can meet all major security and compliance requirements.
Accessibility compliance policy - Learn about Mattermost’s policy and commitment to accessibility.
Frequently asked questions - Get answers to common questions about Mattermost.