Generate a Support Packet#

The Support Packet is used to help customers diagnose and troubleshoot issues. Use the System Console or the mmctl system supportpacket command to generate a zip file that includes configuration information, logs, plugin details, and data on external dependencies across all nodes in a high-availability cluster. Confidential data, such as passwords, are automatically stripped.



Before generating a Support Packet, go to System Console > Environment > Logging and ensure Output logs to file is set to true, and set File Log Level to DEBUG.

  1. Go to the System Console, and select Commercial Support from the System Console menu.

    Example of available System Console menu options.
  2. Select Download Support Packet. A zip file is downloaded to the local machine. You’ll be notified if any packet files are unavailable during packet generation. See the warning.txt file for details.

Run the mmctl system supportpacket command to generate and download a Support Packet to share with Mattermost Support.

go run ./cmd/mmctl system supportpacket
Downloading Support Packet
Downloaded Support Packet to

Santitize confidential data#

Please sanitize any confidential data you wish to exclude before sharing the packet with Mattermost.

When present, the following information is automatically santized during packet generation: LdapSettings.BindPassword, FileSettings.PublicLinkSalt, FileSettings.AmazonS3SecretAccessKey, EmailSettings.SMTPPassword, GitLabSettings.Secret, GoogleSettings.Secret, Office365Settings.Secret, OpenIdSettings.Secret, SqlSettings.DataSource, SqlSettings.AtRestEncryptKey, ElasticsearchSettings.Password, All SqlSettings.DataSourceReplicas, All SqlSettings.DataSourceSearchReplicas, MessageExportSettings.GlobalRelaySettings.SmtpPassword, and ServiceSettings.SplitKey.


  • Plugins may not be sanitized during packet generation. - From Mattermost v10.1, plugins can mark their configuration as hidden. If a plugin marks its configuration as hidden, the configuration is sanitized during packet generation. - Otherwise, ensure you sanitize any additional confidential details in the plugin.json file before sharing it with Mattermost. Replace details with example strings that contain the same special characters if possible, as special characters are common causes of configuration errors.

Share the packet with Mattermost#

Add the generated Support Packet to a standard support request, or share with with the Mattermost team you’re working with.


Disable debug logging once you’ve generated the Support Packet. Debug logging can cause log files to expand substantially, and may adversely impact server performance. We recommend enabling it temporarily, or in development environments, but not production enviornments.

Contents of a Support Packet#

A Mattermost Support Packet can contain the following files:


From v10.5, the following support packet data has changed:

  • The support_packet.yaml file has been removed and split into diagnostics.yaml and stats.yaml files.

  • All fields in diagnostics.yaml have been moved into their own objects for improved readability.

  • Field names are normalized.

  • New data includes server statistics, permission details, and extended job list details.

  • Mattermost-supported plugin diagnostic data is included where applicable.

  • metadata.yaml

  • mattermost.log (Mattermost logs)

  • plugins.json (all active and inactive plugins)

  • sanitized_config.json (sanitized copy of the Mattermost configuration)

  • stats.yaml (Mattermost usage statistics)

  • jobs.yaml (last runs of important jobs)

  • diagnostics.yaml (core plugin diagnostics data)

  • permissions.yaml (role & scheme information)

  • Go performance metrics, including:,, and goroutines

  • warning.txt (present when issues are encountered during packet generation)

  • tsdb_dump.tar.gz (present when the Metrics plugin is installed and the Performance metrics option is selected when generating the Support Packet)

The following additional plugin diagnostic data is included in the generated support packet when the plugin is enabled and operational:

  • GitHub: /github/diagnostics.yaml

  • GitLab: /com.github.manland.mattermost-plugin-gitlab/diagnostics.yaml

  • Jira: /jira/diagnostics.yaml

  • Calls: /com.mattermost.calls/diagnostics.yaml

  • Boards: /focalboard/diagnostics.yaml

  • Playbooks: /playbooks/diagnostics.yaml

  • MSCalendar: /com.mattermost.mscalendar/diagnostics.yaml

  • Google Calendar: /com.mattermost.gcal/diagnostics.yaml

  • metadata.yaml

  • mattermost.log

  • plugins.json

  • sanitized_config.json

  • support_packet.yaml

  • diagnostics.yaml (core plugin diagnostics data)

  • Go performance metrics, including:,, and goroutines

  • warning.txt (present when issues are encountered during packet generation)


  • Each node in the cluster of a high availability deployment has its own mattermost.log file and advanced logging files, if present.

  • LDAP groups are not included during Support Packet generation. Only LDAP Version and LDAP Vendor are included when present. These values are included in the support_packet.yaml file.

  • From Mattermost v9.11, LDAP Vendor errors are included in the Support Packet. If fetching the LDAP Vendor name fails, the Support Packet generation includes the error in warning.txt. If no LDAP Vendor name is found, the Support Packet lists them as unknown.

  • From Mattermost v10.4, a new diagnostics.yaml file includes Mattermost Calls diagostics data, including plugin version, calls and active session counts, as well as average duration and participant counts.


From Mattermost v9.11, generated Support Packets include a metadata.yaml file that contains the following information.

Field name






Version of the schema that the current metadata file is compatible with. Current version is 1.




The type of the packet. Each type of Support Packet can be mapped to a specific component generating the Support Packet.




The date and time the packet was created. Value is in epoch (ms).




Version of the server that the Support Packet was generated at. Semver is expected.




Unique identifier of the server. Expected to be 26 characters or longer.




Unique identifier of the current server’s license. Expected to be 26 characters or longer. This field is empty when there’s no license.




The id of the customer, as defined in the license file. Expected to be 26 characters or longer. Empty when there’s no license.




Key/value of any additional information, specific to the plugin/component that generated the file. Can be useful for identifying the contents of the data. Consider adding plugin (or component) versions in order to set expectation regarding the contents of this object.


Required for plugins

The ID of the plugin.


Required for plugins

The version of the plugin.

For example:

version: 1
type: support-packet
generated_at: 1622569200
server_version: 9.1.1
server_id: 8fqk9rti13fmpxdd5934a3xsxh
license_id: 3g3pqn8in3brzjkozcn1kdidgr
customer_id: 74cmws7gf3ykpj31car7zahsny
 plugin_version: 0.1.0

Go performance metrics#

The Support Packet contains 3 go runtime profiling files:

  • contains a 5-second CPU profile

  • contains a heap profile

  • goroutines contains a dump of all the running go routines

These files can be read using pprof.

Use go tool pprof -web X to open a visualization of the profile in your browser, replacing X with the profile’s file name.