Install Mattermost Omnibus#
Available on all plans
Self-hosted deployments
Minimum system requirements:
- Hardware: 1 vCPU/core with 2GB RAM (support for up to 1,000 users)
- Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 or greater
- Database: PostgreSQL v13+
- Network ports required:
- Application ports 80/443, TLS, TCP Inbound
- Administrator Console port 8065, TLS, TCP Inbound
- SMTP port 10025, TCP/UDP Outbound
Mattermost Omnibus packages together all required components: the Enterprise Edition of Mattermost (free version), PostgreSQL database, and NGINX as the application proxy. It uses a custom CLI (mmomni
) and ansible recipes to configure and connect these components.
Omnibus supports Ubuntu distributions only.
Add the Mattermost PPA repositories#
The GPG public key has changed. You can import the new public key or run the automatic Mattermost PPA repository setup script provided below. Depending on your setup, additional steps may also be required, particularly for installations that didn’t rely on the repository setup script. We recommend deleting the old key from /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d
before adding the apt repository.
For Ubuntu Focal - 20.04 LTS:
sudo apt-key del A1B31D46F0F3A10B02CF2D44F8F2C31744774B28
curl -sL -o- | gpg --dearmor | sudo apt-key add
For Ubuntu Jammy - 22.04 LTS and Ubuntu Noble - 24.04 LTS:
sudo rm /usr/share/keyrings/mattermost-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -sL -o- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/mattermost-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null
In a terminal window, run the following repository setup command:
curl -o- | sudo bash
This command sets up all required repositories and configures:
PostgreSQL database
NGINX web server as a proxy
Certbot for SSL certificate management
Mattermost Omnibus repository
Install Mattermost Omnibus#
When installing Mattermost Omnibus, SSL is enabled by default to provide a secure connection between the Mattermost server and the Mattermost client. To install with SSL, run the following command:
// Install Mattermost Omnibus with SSL enabled
sudo apt install mattermost-omnibus -y
You’re prompted to specify a domain name and email address that will be used to generate the SSL certificate, and deliver related communications.
Just looking to try out Mattermost? Run the following command to install Omnibus without SSL:
// Install Mattermost Omnibus without SSL
sudo MMO_HTTPS=false apt install mattermost-omnibus -y
After all the packages are installed, Omnibus runs ansible scripts that configure all the platform components and starts the server.
Next steps:
Open a browser and navigate to your Mattermost domain either by domain name (e.g.
), or by the server’s IP address if you’re not using a domain name.Create your first Mattermost user, invite more users, and explore the Mattermost platform.
Configure Mattermost Omnibus#
Plugin uploads, local mode, and HTTPS are enabled by default. These settings are modified in the yaml
file as described below.
Unlike traditional Mattermost installations, Omnibus stores its configuration directly in a database, eliminating the need for a config.json
file. However, Omnibus itself requires a configuration file located at /etc/mattermost/mmomni.yml
to manage its own settings and service interconnections.
To modify Mattermost server settings within an Omnibus environment (with the exception of those listed below), you’ll need to utilize the mmctl
command-line tool. Specifically, the mmctl --local config edit
command allows you to make the necessary adjustments. For detailed instructions and options, refer to the mmctl documentation.
Please note that certain configuration parameters, such as the Mattermost server port, must remain unchanged to ensure optimal Omnibus functionality.
The following parameters must be configured directly using the mmomni.yml
: The PostgreSQL database user. This value is generated during the Omnibus installation and should not be changed.db_password
: The PostgreSQL database password. This value is generated during the Omnibus installation and should not be changed.fqdn
: The domain name for the Mattermost application. This is the value you’re prompted for during the install process, and it’s used to populate theServiceSettings.SiteURL
Mattermost configuration property, as well as to retrieve and configure the SSL certificate for the
: The email address used for certificate communications. This is the value you’re prompted for during the install process, and it won’t used if HTTPS is disabled.https
: This indicates whether the platform should be configured to use HTTPS or HTTP with valuestrue
. The recommended way to install Mattermost is to use HTTPS, but you can disable it if necessary.data_directory
: This is the directory where Mattermost stores its data.enable_plugin_uploads
: This setting can betrue
, and is used to configure thePluginSettings.EnableUploads
Mattermost configuration property.enable_local_mode
: This setting can betrue
and is used to configure theServiceSettings.EnableLocalMode
Mattermost configuration property.nginx_template
: Optional path to a custom NGINX template.
After modifying the mmomni.yml
configuration file, run mmomni reconfigure
to apply the changes, and then restart the Mattermost server with systemctl restart mattermost
Update Mattermost Omnibus#
Mattermost Omnibus is integrated with the apt package manager. When a new Mattermost version is released, run the following command to download and update your Mattermost instance:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
When you run the sudo apt upgrade
command, Mattermost will be updated along with any other packages. Before running the apt
command, we strongly recommend stopping the Mattermost server by running the command sudo systemctl stop mattermost
Backup and restore#
The Mattermost Omnibus CLI tool mmomni
simplifies server and domain migration, as well as backup and restore. You can easily create snapshots of your entire Mattermost server, including all content, users, plugins, configurations, and databases. These snapshots can be restored to the same server or a different one.
To back up the contents of your Mattermost server, run the following command:
mmomni backup -o /tmp/mm_backup_datetime.tgz
To restore the contents of your Mattermost server, run the following two commands:
mmomni restore /tmp/mm_backup_datetime.tgz
mmomni reconfigure
Remove Mattermost Omnibus#
If you want to remove Mattermost and Mattermost Omnibus completely for any reason, you can run the following command:
sudo apt remove --purge mattermost mattermost-omnibus
Frequently asked questions#
Can I use a license with Omnibus?#
Yes. Mattermost Omnibus bundles the free, unlicensed Mattermost Enterprise Edition, and Enterprise features are unlocked when you purchase and upload a license.
Can I use an Omnibus server as part of a cluster?#
No, Omnibus is designed to be a self-contained single server Mattermost platform. It expects all the necessary components to be on the same server.
Does the SSL Certificate automatically renew?#
Yes. The SSL certificate automatically updated and renewed. Omnibus installs the certbot package to manage the certificate, and it comes with a cron job that you can find at /etc/cron.d/certbot that automatically launches the renewal process.
How do I fix an EXPKEYSIG error on upgrades?#
In the rare case that you encounter an EXPKEYSIG
error when upgrading, this indicates that your certificate is expired. To obtain a new certificate, run the following commands:
sudo apt-key remove 44774B28
sudo curl -o- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update
Can I use a custom NGINX template?#
Yes. Mattermost Omnibus supports using a custom NGINX template to generate its configuration.
To use this feature, you need to copy and modify the original template located at /opt/mattermost/mmomni/ansible/playbooks/mattermost.conf
to a new location. Then, you can either use the variables and internal logic already bundled in the template and modify the parts that you need, or use a fully static configuration instead.
After the template has been customized, add an nginx_template
property to the /etc/mattermost/mmomni.yml
configuration file, and then run mmomni reconfigure
. The reconfigure process will use the new template to generate the NGINX final configuration. You can check the contents of the /etc/nginx/conf.d/mattermost.conf
file to validate that the changes were applied successfully.
Please use caution when using this feature. Making changes to the custom template can cause the reconfigure process to fail, or the generated NGINX configuration to be invalid.
What mmomni
commands are available?#
mmomni backup
: Takes a complete snapshot of your Mattermost server and places the backup file in a specified file location.mmomni restore
: Restores specified backup file to your Mattermost server.mmomni reconfigure
: Reruns the process that changes domain, SSL, or any Omnibus-specified restrictions such as the ability to upload plugins. It also applies any changes made to the mmomni.yml configuration file.mmomni status
: Shows current status of all Omnibus components.mmomni tail
: Runs a join tail of logs of all Omnibus components.
Where can I get help?#
If you have any problems installing Mattermost Omnibus, see the troubleshooting guide for common error messages, or join the Mattermost user community for troubleshooting help.