Deploy Mattermost on Kubernetes#

This document provides a guide to deploying Mattermost on Kubernetes using the Mattermost Kubernetes Operator. This guide will primarily focus on the recommended approach of using S3-compatible storage and a managed database service. If you choose to use self-managed components, you will need to adapt the instructions accordingly, pointing to your internal services instead.

Intended outcome and deployment recommendations#

The goal of this documentation is to enable you to quickly and reliably deploy a production-ready Mattermost instance. While the operator supports a range of configurations, we strongly recommend using a cloud-native approach for production environments.

While this guide focuses on using external, managed services for your database and file storage, the Mattermost Operator does offer the flexibility to use other solutions. For example, you could choose to deploy a PostgreSQL database within your Kubernetes cluster using the CloudNative PG operator (or externally however you wish), or use a self-hosted MinIO instance for object storage.

While using managed cloud services is generally simpler to maintain and our recommended approach for production deployments, using self-managed services like MinIO for storage and CloudNative PG for PostgreSQL are also valid options if you have the expertise to manage them.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:


Installation Steps#

The installation process involves setting up the necessary operators and then deploying Mattermost itself.

Install the Nginx Ingress Controller#

Follow the instructions in the Kubernetes deployment documentation to install the NGINX ingress controller on your Kubernetes cluster. Mattermost recommends installing the Nginx Operator via helm, regardless of platform you are installing to.

Install the Mattermost Operator#

The Mattermost Kubernetes Operator can be installed using Helm.

  1. Install Helm (version 3.13.0 or later). See the Helm quickstart documentation for installation instructions.

  2. Add the Mattermost Helm repository:

helm repo add mattermost
  1. Create a file named config.yaml and populate it with the contents of the Mattermost operator values file. This file allows for customization of the operator.

  2. Create a namespace for the Mattermost Operator:

kubectl create ns mattermost-operator
  1. Install the Mattermost Operator:

helm install <your-release-name> mattermost/mattermost-operator -n <namespace_name>

For example:

helm install mattermost-operator mattermost/mattermost-operator -n mattermost-operator

To use your custom config.yaml file:

helm install mattermost-operator mattermost/mattermost-operator -n mattermost-operator -f config.yaml


If you don’t specify a version, the latest version of the Mattermost Operator will be installed.

Deploy Mattermost#

  1. (Mattermost Enterprise only) Create a Mattermost license secret. Create a file named mattermost-license-secret.yaml with the following content, replacing [LICENSE_FILE_CONTENTS] with your actual license:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-mattermost-license
type: Opaque


A Mattermost Enterprise license is required for multi-server deployments. For single-server deployments without an Enterprise license, add Replicas: 1 to the spec section in step 2. See the high availability documentation for more on highly-available deployments.

  1. Create a Mattermost installation manifest file named mattermost-installation.yaml. Use the following template, adjusting the values as needed:

kind: Mattermost
  name: <INSTALLATION_NAME_HERE>        # Example: mm-example-full
  size: <SIZE_VALUE_HERE>               # Example: 5000users
    enabled: true
    host: <FULL_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE>       # Example:
    annotations: nginx
version: <VERSION_HERE>               # Example: 9.3.0
licenseSecret: ""                     # If you created a license secret, put the name here


File names in this guide are suggestions; you can use different names.

Key fields in the manifest include:

  • The name of your Mattermost deployment in Kubernetes.

  • spec.size: The size of your installation (e.g., “100users”, “1000users”, etc.).

  • The DNS name for your Mattermost installation.

  • spec.version: The Mattermost version. See the server version archive for available versions.

  • spec.licenseSecret: The name of the Kubernetes secret containing your license (required for Enterprise).

For a full list of configurable fields, see the example manifest and the Custom Resource Definition.

  1. Create a file named mattermost-database-secret.yaml for database credentials. This secret must be in the same namespace as the Mattermost installation.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-postgres-connection
type: Opaque

Example for AWS Aurora with PostgreSQL:

apiVersion: v1
  DB_CONNECTION_CHECK_URL: cG9zdGdyZXM6Ly91c2VyOnN1cGVyX3NlY3JldF9wYXNzd29yZEBteS1kYXRhYmFzZS5jbHVzdGVyLWFiY2QudXMtZWFzdC0xLnJkcy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tOjU0MzIvbWF0dGVybW9zdD9jb25uZWN0X3RpbWVvdXQ9MTAK
  DB_CONNECTION_STRING: cG9zdGdyZXM6Ly91c2VyOnN1cGVyX3NlY3JldF9wYXNzd29yZEBteS1kYXRhYmFzZS5jbHVzdGVyLWFiY2QudXMtZWFzdC0xLnJkcy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tOjU0MzIvbWF0dGVybW9zdD9jb25uZWN0X3RpbWVvdXQ9MTAK
kind: Secret
  name: my-postgres-connection
type: Opaque

Create the Filestore Secret#

Create a file named mattermost-filestore-secret.yaml to store the credentials for your object storage service (e.g., AWS S3, MinIO). This secret must be created in the same namespace where you intend to install Mattermost. The file should contain the following YAML structure:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: <secret-name>  # Choose a descriptive name (e.g., my-s3-credentials)
type: Opaque
  accesskey: <base64-encoded-access-key>
  secretkey: <base64-encoded-secret-key>





Base64-encoded access key for your storage service.



Base64-encoded secret key for your storage service.


The name of the Kubernetes secret.



The accesskey and secretkey values must be base64-encoded. Do not enter the raw keys directly. Use a command-line tool or online encoder to generate the base64 strings.

Example (AWS S3):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-s3-credentials
type: Opaque
  accesskey: QUNDRVNTX0tFWQo=  # Example: Replace with your actual encoded key
  secretkey: U1VQRVJfU0VDUkVUX0tFWQo=  # Example: Replace with your actual encoded key

Configure the Mattermost Installation Manifest#

Now, modify the mattermost-installation.yaml file (created in step 2) to connect Mattermost to your external database and object storage.


Refer to the supported fields in step 2 for guidance on where to add these configurations within the YAML structure.

Connect to the Database#

Add the following to the spec section of your manifest:

      secret: <database-secret-name>  # The name of the database secret (e.g., my-postgres-connection)

Connect to Object Storage#

Add the following to the spec section of your manifest:

      url: <storage-service-url>  # The URL of your storage service (e.g.,
      bucket: <bucket-name>      # The name of your storage bucket
      secret: <filestore-secret-name> # The name of the filestore secret (e.g., my-s3-credentials)

S3-specific settings#

If you are using Amazon S3, it’s recommended to enable server-side encryption (SSE) and SSL. Add the following environment variables to the mattermostEnv section:

      value: "true"
      value: "true"

Example Manifest (Mattermost Enterprise, PostgreSQL, S3):

kind: Mattermost
  name: mm-example-external-db
  size: 5000users
    enabled: true
    annotations: nginx
  version: 9.3.0
  licenseSecret: my-mattermost-license
      secret: my-postgres-connection
      bucket: my-s3-bucket
      secret: my-s3-iam-access-key  # Or whatever you named your secret
      value: "true"
      value: "true"... (Rest of the document continues as before)

Apply the Installation Manifest#

With the manifest files prepared, you can now deploy Mattermost to your Kubernetes cluster. Ensure you are connected to the correct cluster using kubectl.

  1. Create the Mattermost Namespace:

kubectl create ns mattermost
  1. Apply the License Secret (Mattermost Enterprise only):

kubectl apply -n mattermost -f <path-to-license-secret> # Replace with the actual path
  1. Apply the Mattermost Installation Manifest:

kubectl apply -n mattermost -f <path-to-mattermost-manifest> # Replace with the actual path

Monitor the Deployment:

You can track the deployment’s progress using either the Kubernetes dashboard or the command line:

kubectl -n mattermost get mm -w

The Mattermost installation is complete when the Custom Resource reaches the stable state.

Access Mattermost#

Once the deployment is complete, you can access your Mattermost instance.

  1. Get the Ingress Address:

kubectl -n mattermost get ingress
  1. Connect to Mattermost: Copy the address from the ADDRESS column of the ingress output. Open your web browser and navigate to this address.

  2. Configure DNS (Recommended):

For production environments, configure your DNS to point your domain (specified in the field of your manifest) to the ingress address obtained in the previous step. This is typically done through your domain registrar or cloud DNS provider (e.g., Route53 on AWS).

  1. Local Testing (Optional): If you are testing locally and haven’t configured DNS, you can use port-forwarding to access Mattermost:

kubectl -n mattermost port-forward svc/<your-mattermost-service-name> 8065:8065  # Replace with the name of your Mattermost service

Then, navigate to http://localhost:8065 in your browser. You can determine the service name by running: kubectl get svc -n mattermost.

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed Mattermost on Kubernetes.

Frequently asked questions#

What’s the difference between the Mattermost Operator and Helm Charts?#

The Mattermost Operator is a self-contained set of application/product-specific instructions that runs inside Kubernetes and facilitates application management and deployment.

Helm is a tool used to deploy Kubernetes manifests to a cluster, but does not facilitate application management.

We provide a helm chart that can be used to to install the Mattermost Operator.

What database and filestore should I use for Mattermost?#

Always refer to the Mattermost server documentation for what databases and filestores are supported.

The following documentation on scaling for enterprise is a good place to start.

In Kubernetes, Mattermost recommends a cloud-native approach using managed services like Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, or Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL for the database, and Amazon S3 or similar for file storage. For purely self-hosted solutions, you can use a PostgreSQL database (via CloudNative-PG operator) and MinIO for file storage.

What are the Operator-Managed database and filestore options?#

The Mattermost Operator provides an option to directly provision a database and filestore for a Mattermost installation to use, but this option is not intended for production use as these options rely on specific versions of third party operators not owned or maintained by Mattermost. For production deployments of Mattermost, one of the other database and filestore configuration options should be chosen.

Note that you can choose to manage your Mattermost database and filestore in Kubernetes with other operators, but these should be provisioned separately first and then connected to the Mattermost installation as external backends. We do not recommend this method for users who aren’t intimately familiar with Kubernetes.

Can you use blue-green deployments with different database schemas?#

Currently this is not supported as it introduces the possibility of missing a data entry in the database.

Are environment variables supported?#

Yes. However, config.json file settings will be overridden if the $MM_SQLSETTINGS_DATASOURCE environment variable is set. See the Environment Variables configuration settings documentation for details.

Issues configuring login with SAML on Kubernetes#

For some SAML authentication configurations, 502 status code response can appear during login attempts due to requests being too large. This can be caused by the default proxy-buffer-size setting for NGINX Ingress being too low. To fix this issue, configure an appropriate buffer size (8k or 16k should be sufficient for most cases) with NGINX annotation by adding it to the Mattermost manifest under spec.ingressAnnotations:

    annotations: 16k

Use caution when changing the buffer size as it may slightly impact NGINX performance. Exact values are machine-dependent.

Need help?#

If you run into challenges when using or transitioning to the Mattermost Operator for your Kubernetes deployment, let us know. Your feedback helps us improve our tools and documentation for a better customer experience.